December 31, 2024 8 min read
We’ve all heard of candida, also known as a yeast overgrowth or thrush.
It’s a fungus that lives in the mouth, vagina, stomach and skin, and is usually harmless and kept in check with a healthy diet.
But when it becomes unbalanced, it can multiply uncontrollably, affecting many areas of the body and causing:
Stomach bloating, especially right after eating. This can feel like food is swishing around in our stomach instead of moving through.
It can occur in the mouth, causing creamy white patches or sores in the mouth or throat, redness, painful cracks at the corners of the mouth, loss of taste, or pain when eating or swallowing.
It can cause itching, soreness or burning in the vagina, white or yellow discharge, and stinging or burning when urinating.
It can affect our skin, causing a red rash with small, raised bumps (pustules), intense itching, a burning sensation, or a rash in skin folds.
And it can also spread to our heart, brain, eyes, bones, or joints, affecting us in various ways, noticeably in our energy levels or inflammatory response.
In short, it causes us real problems, both now, and even more in the long term. And they can be quite uncomfortable.
And, because of the currently available foods in the US, which are almost tailor-made to feed it, most of us have candida to one degree or another today, often without knowing it and without realizing that certain conditions are caused by it.
So let’s dive in and see what's happening here.
December 23, 2024 5 min read
As we're in the Winter months, we wanted to provide a little information on how our immune system works and how you can prepare your body to stay as healthy as possible during this period.
Getting sick is never fun.
Our Immune System helps protect our body from harmful bacteria, viruses and toxins coming in.
And, as there are certain things that can either bolster or weaken it, we wanted to share some key points to help make your holiday season one you can fully enjoy.
Let's dive in.
December 15, 2024 9 min read
We’ve touched on how toxins affect our digestive tract and microbiome, and also how they lead to Leaky Gut and to our immune system mistaking healthy cells for harmful microbes that must be destroyed.
They cause an inflammatory response, both in our digestive tract and throughout our body over time.
They affect our hormones, energy levels, and mental focus. They make losing body fat and building muscle much harder due to increased cortisol levels.
And they speed the aging process, both internally and in our skin and overall appearance.
But now we’re going to dive deeper. And to give a real idea of how this works we're going to look at how one toxin, Glyphosate, affects us.
Glyphosate is the key ingredient in the herbicide Roundup, which is used on most major crops today.
This is a real problem, because it's one of the most toxic substances there is.
And due to its widespread use, it’s in almost all processed foods and non-organic meats.
And it plays a very large roll in the destruction of our digestive tract, microbiome and overall health, leading to Leaky Gut and some of the worst physical conditions there are.
So let’s dive in and see how this actually affects us and what we can do.
September 29, 2024 7 min read
Aging is a natural process.
Over time, as the stem cells we're born with become used up, our body is less and less able to regenerate itself.
But then there is premature aging, where this process happens years or decades before it should. And while this is definitely not natural, unfortunately, it’s becoming more and more common.
In this article we're going to cover exactly what is happening to our cells, what is doing this, how this affects aging and what we can do to prevent it.
There is something that accelerates aging by destroying our cells so that our stem cells are needed to produce new cells more often than they should, thus accelerating our biological aging process and making us “old” before our time.
And Leaky Gut is one of the largest causes behind it.
September 03, 2024 8 min read
This is the second article in the Autoimmune Series.
In the last article we covered what autoimmune conditions are and what they’re actually doing in the body. But in this article we’re going to cover how they come about.
What actually causes them.
And it starts in the gut, our first defense against illness.
May 01, 2023 5 min read
Stress, whether it’s physical, mental or emotional, can lead to:
Delayed healing responses in the body, a nervous system that is always “on,” worsened mood, inability to relax or fall asleep, decreased mental alertness or lowered ability to “think,” hormonal imbalances, cravings for sugary foods, and high cortisol levels which increase mental stress, lower our energy levels, and make it harder to lose weight, build muscle or recover fully from the daily load we put on our body
It doesn’t matter much “where” the stress comes from, as any point of stress triggers the same reactions in the body. And stress from any one of these three areas (physical, mental or emotional) raises stress in the other two areas.
But, just as stress in one area creates stress in another area, with each point of stress making the overall worse, it also works in the opposite direction.
Each point of stress we remove lightens the load overall and makes it easier to deal with the other points of stress.
It’s very simple. Let’s see where we’re at!
February 04, 2023 4 min read
Welcome to the final week of the 30-Day Fat Loss Challenge!
During this challenge we’ve had our ups and downs as cravings came and went and hormones began to balance.
But by Week Four things have evened out or soon will.
Energy levels rise, mood may become more even, sleep becomes more restful, digestion improves, and overall health rises.
And, of course, we’ve lost a significant amount of body fat.
December 23, 2021 6 min read
I’ve been asked many times about the one vitamin or supplement a person needs for good health, about this or that diet, about going Vegan or going Carnivore, and much more.
So I wanted to take a moment to look at some things here. Not the pros and cons of different diets or the importance of one vitamin over another, but instead — how you can determine what is right for you.
November 05, 2021 3 min read
November 05, 2021 4 min read
June 24, 2021 5 min read
We’re seeing fat loss with muscle gain, faster muscle gain while continuing to lose fat, lower resting heart rate and blood pressure increased energy, lowered inflammation, bettered mood, significantly decreased cravings, and much more.
November 07, 2019 7 min read
If you search for “energy supplement” on amazon, you get over 4,000 results.
How can any reasonable human sift through all that and find the ones that work? Or which ones are bogus?
I did a deep dive into the truth about “increasing your energy”...
From in-depth articles on nutritional benefits to updates on new product launches, stay informed and inspired on your journey to optimal health.