Follow this guide for best results
PerfectAmino® is comprised of pure Essential Amino Acids in an exact ratio that is up to 99% utilized to build new protein and collagen in the body – without the calories.
1 serving (1 scoop or 5 tablets) is the protein equivalent of approximately 30 grams of whey, pea, soy and collagen, but without the caloric impact.
Follow this guide for best results
PerfectAmino® is comprised of pure Essential Amino Acids in an exact ratio that is 99% utilized to build new protein and collagen in the body – without the calories.
1 serving (1 scoop or 5 tablets) is the protein equivalent of approximately 30 grams of whey, pea, soy and collagen, but without the caloric impact.
How much PerfectAmino to take daily and when?
This depends on many factors, ranging from your goals, to your
body size & weight, to whether or not you workout and how
much, whether you are recovering from an injury, or if you have a
pre-existing medical condition.
There are even variations in the digestion of protein. Two 150 lb men could each consume the same type and amount of protein. But if one has a weak digestive system, they will have less protein broken down into individual amino acids with which to build new protein than the person with a strong digestive system – despite each eating the same amount. As PerfectAmino is "pre-digested" this isn't a concern. But it shows one person may need more than another due to the state of their digestive tract.
Below we will first cover the basic amounts for you to start with, depending on what you are trying to achieve. You can then tweak these amounts depending on how you are doing with it. And you can ALWAYS write, call or message BodyHealth for help! We want you to get the best results possible.
In fact, we highly recommend you join our Facebook group where you can see how others use
PerfectAmino and ask questions to your heart’s content. You can join HERE.
How much PerfectAmino to take daily and when?
This depends on many factors, ranging from your goals, to your
body size & weight, to whether or not you workout and how
much, whether you are recovering from an injury, or if you have a
pre-existing medical condition.
There are even variations in the digestion of protein. Two 150 lb men could each consume the same type and amount of protein. But if one has a weak digestive system, they will have less protein broken down into individual amino acids with which to build new protein than the person with a strong digestive system – despite each eating the same amount. As PerfectAmino is "pre-digested" this isn't a concern. But it shows one person may need more than another due to the state of their digestive tract.
Below we will first cover the basic amounts for you to start with,
depending on what you are trying to achieve. You can then
tweak these amounts depending on how you are doing with it. And you can ALWAYS write, call or message BodyHealth for help! We want you to get the best
results possible.
In fact, we highly recommend you join our Facebook group where you can see how others use PerfectAmino and ask questions to your heart’s content. You can join HERE.
For overall health and energy, increased lean muscle mass, collagen production, and stronger bones, take a baseline of 1 - 3 servings daily:
For maximum utilization of PerfectAmino it’s best to take it 30 minutes before other fats or proteins, or 1-2 hours after. However, if this is not possible you will still get fantastic results and up to 99% utilization – so don’t worry! Start with the following amounts for your body weight:
If you take those amounts you should be noticing positive
changes within a couple of weeks.
NOTE: When taking two servings in a day it is most effective when taken at the same time, not split up.
For overall health and energy, increased lean muscle mass, collagen production, and stronger bones, take a baseline of 1 - 3 servings daily:
For maximum utilization of PerfectAmino it’s best to take it 30 minutes before other fats or proteins, or 1-2 hours after. However, if this is not possible you will still get fantastic results and near 99% utilization – so don’t worry! Start with the following amounts for your body weight:
If you take those amounts you should be noticing positive
changes within a couple of weeks.
NOTE: When taking two servings in a day it is most effective when taken at the same time, not split up.
If you workout daily:
To improve performance, you may want to add 1-2 servings to the above. Take PerfectAmino before your workout as well as before bed, to enhance recovery. You will get the most for recovery taking PerfectAmino before bed. However, it can also be taken 20-30 minutes before a workout for maximum endurance and prevention of muscle loss, especially during fasted workouts. One would not then need to take more after the workout as the aminos will still be in your blood stream helping recovery. They will normally be in the blood stream for about 2-3 hours.
There are some larger people who do intensive, 1-2 hour workouts and use PerfectAmino as their main protein source. They take 2 servings in the morning, 2 servings before their workout, and then 2 before bed. They do very well with this as their primary source of protein.
If you are recovering from an illness:
Please note, if you are recovering from illness, surgery, or injury, or if you have a pre-existing medical condition, you probably shouldn’t be working out, or at least only at a reduced level, as this can put too much pressure on your bodily systems. And it is important that you are following the advice given to you by your physician.
In terms of using PerfectAmino for recovery, follow the 1-3 servings recommendation by body weight and add in an additional serving. Depending on your situation this may be enough or you may find you want to add in even one more serving. This is up to you, as every body truly is different. When you have fully recovered, you can then cut back if you feel that is best.
One customer badly injured his hip during weight-lifting which led to weakened cartilage and tendons in the knee and ankle. He was unable to work out and kept reinjuring himself when he tried, even with physical therapy. Three years later he started taking PerfectAmino and, after about four months, was able to start working out again with the hip and knees strengthened and tightened. During this time he was taking 20-30 tablets per day. After a couple months, according to him, he had significant improvement and was able to slowly ease back in to his workouts and put stress on the hip and knee without damaging them.
As you can see, everybody is different. So you may have to play around with this to find what you
specifically need.
If you are an elite athlete your numbers could raise even more:
There are some professional triathletes, running Ironman Triathlons, who might take as much as 10-12 servings in a day to keep endurance and recovery up as they race and to ensure lessened soreness the next day despite the hammering they give their body. This is up to you, but we don’t recommend going above 6 servings (30 tablets or 6 scoops) unless you truly are doing extreme endurance sports.
Intermittent Fasting & Ketosis using PerfectAmino:
With the Keto diet many people have trouble taking away their body’s accustomed energy source (sugar) without, at the same time, giving it what it actually needed in the first place: usuable amino acids to build the body’s structure. When adding in PerfectAmino, most people who had trouble with their Keto diet or the “Keto Flu”, now find they are able to follow through with it. And adding in PerfectAmino will not add calories onto this or take them out of Ketosis, it will only enhance their gains.
With Intermittent Fasting we are trying to do something very similar to Keto. We are trying to
remove sugar from the bloodstream long enough to lower Insulin levels and turn back on Lipase
for fat burning. This often happens after about 10-12 hours of fasting.
The problem has been that food sources that provide calories will break the fast. But, if you’re working out during this fast, you also risk losing muscle without the amino acids from protein.
PerfectAmino solves this. As 1 serving of PerfectAmino is less than one calorie, which is less than your fasting blood sugar levels, it will not break a fast. At the same time, it will give your muscles what they need in order to recover during and after a fasted workout, and so prevent muscle loss.
Many people who fast between dinner one day and lunch time the next day take 2 servings of
PerfectAmino first thing in the morning. This gives
them a perfect start to the day, with everything their
body needs protein-wise, but also does not break the fast, so they are able to continue losing weight from it
while maintaining lean muscle.
If you are trying to lose fat,
PerfectAmino can help in two ways:
First, it can help build lean muscle, which in turn burns fat. The more muscle you have on your body, the more fat it will burn to feed this muscle. Amino acids are also necessary to make Thyroid, Lipase, Glucogen and HGH, which each have a role in fat-burning.
The second way is by replacing low-utilization
protein powders with PerfectAmino. Over 80% of
protein powders are converted to sugar in the body,
not protein. This sugar triggers a hormone called
insulin to shuttle the sugar to the cells for energy production. But when there is more sugar than
the body needs, the insulin converts the sugar into body fat (energy for later).
At the same time as all of the above, the insulin also suppresses the enzyme Lipase, which is
responsible for burning body fat, effectively ensuring that fat is not burned while sugar is in the
bloodstream and for about 10-12 hours thereafter.
Replacing these powders with PerfectAmino, which is up to 99% utilized as protein, gets you the same amount of protein or more, while cutting out the high sugar content and insulin spike. And it will not break a fast.
If you are trying to lose weight,
PerfectAmino can help in two ways:
First, it can help build lean muscle, which in turn burns fat. The more muscle you have on your body, the more fat it will burn to feed this muscle. Amino acids are also necessary to make Thyroid, Lipase, Glucogen and HGH, which each have a role in fat-burning.
The second way is by replacing low-utilization
protein powders with PerfectAmino. Over 80% of
protein powders are converted to sugar in the body,
not protein. This sugar triggers a hormone called
insulin to shuttle the sugar to the cells for energy production. But when there is more sugar than
the body needs, the insulin converts the sugar into body fat (energy for later).
At the same time as all of the above, the insulin also suppresses the enzyme Lipase, which is
responsible for burning body fat, effectively ensuring that fat is not burned while sugar is in the
bloodstream and for about 10-12 hours thereafter.
Replacing these powders with PerfectAmino, which is 99% utilized as protein, gets you the same
amount of protein or more, while cutting out the high sugar content and insulin spike. And it will
not break a fast.
Counting macros with PerfectAmino:
Many people count calories and macros to ensure they are getting what their bodies need, while also keeping their diet in check. Depending on what they are trying to accomplish (bulking, cutting, cardio) these may be different amounts and ratios.
However, 1 serving of PerfectAminos without caloric impact. So if you switch it out with other proteins you will be getting the same amount (or more) of protein... but not the calories.
The problem has been that food sources that provide calories will break the fast. But, if you’re working out during this fast, you also risk losing muscle without the amino acids from protein.
If you are trying to lose body fat this should be just fine, and replacing out protein powders with PerfectAmino will get your body exactly what it needs for muscle and recovery, but without the excess calories that may be converted to body fat you would otherwise have to cut later on.
However, if you are also trying to maintain calories at a certain range, in order to bulk up, you may
want to replace the calories lost with healthy fats and low-glycemic carbohydrates.
Counting macros with PerfectAmino:
Many people count calories and macros to ensure they are getting what their bodies need, while also keeping their diet in check. Depending on what they are trying to accomplish (bulking, cutting, cardio) these may be different amounts and ratios.
However, 1 serving of PerfectAminis without caloric impact. So if you switch it out with other proteins you will be getting the same amount (or more) of protein... but not the calories.
The problem has been that food sources that provide calories will break the fast. But, if you’re working out during this fast, you also risk losing muscle without the amino acids from protein.
If you are trying to lose weight this should be just fine, and replacing out protein powders with
PerfectAmino will get your body exactly what it needs for muscle and recovery, but without the
excess calories that may be converted to fat you would otherwise have to cut later on.
However, if you are also trying to maintain calories at a certain range, in order to bulk up, you may
want to replace the calories lost with healthy fats and low-glycemic carbohydrates.
Replace other protein sources at the following rates:
Every protein source is different and provides a different amount of usable amino acids for your body to make new protein and collagen with, so let’s look at these.
Whey, Collagen, Pea and Soy: 30 grams converts to 1 serving of PerfectAmino
Meats, Fish and Poultry: 15 grams converts to 1 serving of PerfectAmino
Whole Eggs: 10 grams converts to 1 serving of PerfectAmino
BCAAs: Just get rid of these, they are almost entirely converted to sugar and will not help you
except for a sugar boost (followed by a sugar low and potential mood swings).
Replace other protein sources at the following rates:
Every protein source is different and provides a different amount of usable amino acids for your body to make new protein and collagen with, so let’s look at these.
Whey, Collagen, Pea and Soy: 30 grams converts to 1 serving of PerfectAmino
Meats, Fish and Poultry: 15 grams converts to 1 serving of PerfectAmino
Whole Eggs: 10 grams converts to 1 serving of PerfectAmino
BCAAs: Just get rid of these, they are almost entirely converted to sugar and will not help you
except for a sugar boost (followed by a sugar low and potential mood swings).
Some things to think with:
The structure of your body is made of amino acids: your muscle, bone, nerves, tendons, ligaments, organs, skin, cells, two thirds of your hormones, and even your enzymes – the tiny chemicals that cause the various chemical reactions inside your body. So, having low amino acid levels truly can affect the body in a myriad number of ways. That being said, while taking PerfectAmino, it is also important to maintain healthy fat intake, low (but adequate) carbohydrate intake, minerals, as well as daily vitamins (especially B12) for the body to function and utilize amino acids to the fullest.
Some people are especially low in
amino acids, or have compromised
digestive systems, and may find they
have some intestinal issues when
first taking PerfectAmino. In this
case you may choose to consult your
In many cases, however, this is just a mixture of detox pathways turning back on, the healing of intestinal tissue, and other factors. This should pass within a few weeks as the body starts correcting. If you experience looser stools it’s a good idea to take the aminos with food for the first couple of weeks and start with 1 serving per day. If you experience constipation, increase your water intake with the aminos and throughout the day.
PerfectAmino Health & Fitness Group:
We have an incredible group on Facebook full of others using PerfectAmino and BodyHealth products to regain and improve their health. BodyHealth staff are in there constantly, posting information on natural health and helping to answer questions along with thousands of other great people who have used our products for years. It’s a fantastic group and we highly recommend you join!
You can find it HERE.
And you can always email, call or message us with questions, for more helpful tips, or almost anything else. Please don’t hesitate to reach out! We are always here to help!
(877) 804-3258 • Contact Us • Message us on Facebook
Some things to think with:
The structure of your body is made of amino acids: your muscle, bone, nerves, tendons, ligaments, organs, skin, cells, two thirds of your hormones, and even your enzymes – the tiny chemicals that cause the various chemical reactions inside your body. So, having low amino acid levels truly can affect the body in a myriad number of ways. That being said, while taking PerfectAmino, it is also important to maintain healthy fat intake, low (but adequate) carbohydrate intake, minerals, as well as daily vitamins (especially B12) for the body to function and utilize amino acids to the fullest.
Some people are especially low in
amino acids, or have compromised
digestive systems, and may find they
have some intestinal issues when
first taking PerfectAmino. In this
case you may choose to consult your
In many cases, however, this is just a mixture of detox pathways turning back on, the healing of intestinal tissue, and other factors. This should pass within a few weeks as the body starts correcting. If you experience looser stools it’s a good idea to take the aminos with food for the first couple of weeks and start with 1 serving per day. If you experience constipation, increase your water intake with the aminos and throughout the day.
PerfectAmino Health & Fitness Group:
We have an incredible group on Facebook full of others using PerfectAmino and BodyHealth products to regain and improve their health. BodyHealth staff are in there constantly, posting information on natural health and helping to answer questions along with thousands of other great people who have used our products for years. It’s a fantastic group and we highly recommend you join!
You can find it HERE.
And you can always email, call or message us with questions, for more helpful tips, or almost anything else. Please don’t hesitate to reach out! We are always here to help!
(877) 804-3258 • • Message us on Facebook
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