August 01, 2024 5 min read
We’ve all seen energy drinks advertised on social media, by influencers, and even by athletes.
And the number of people drinking these on an almost daily basis has been growing for years, affecting their sleep, mood, nervous system, heart health, weight and overall health and energy levels.
Even some elite athletes have begun drinking them, causing trouble down the road.
These energy drinks have high amounts of caffeine, and higher amounts of straight sugar, often under the guise of several different ingredients so you don’t see quite how much is in there.
So let’s look at what they’re actually doing in the body, how they give that first energy high, then crash, and their effects down the line.
July 18, 2024 6 min read
Many people think of bodybuilding as just trying to build the biggest muscles we can. And that’s not quite true.
Bodybuilding is about building one’s ideal physique. And, while that includes achieving bigger muscles, it also means achieving balance, symmetry and aesthetics.
But there are those who do try for building the biggest muscles they can, which there is nothing wrong with.
Unfortunately, many of them employ substances which, while helping to achieve their goals faster, and in some cases achieve more than they could naturally, also result in serious health conditions such as Type 2 Diabetes, something which is becoming more and more prevalent amongst bodybuilders today.
In this article we’re going to cover the use of steroids and insulin injections, why they're used, how they work, and how these significantly increase the risk of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes down the road.
July 16, 2024 9 min read
Cortisol is one of the most important hormones in our body. It’s been called the “stress” hormone because it’s released during moments of stress.
But it’s also the hormone that wakes us up in the morning, that starts the healing process in our body after any injury or workout, and that provides us with energy and mental focus when we’re “running low.”
But unfortunately, when cortisol levels go too high, it becomes something else.
It can cause muscle loss and prevent muscle gain, cause fat storage and prevent fat loss even when we’re exercising, cause low energy levels, cause us to feel stressed, cause poor sleep, and even slow or prevent healing and recovery.
If you have trouble with any of the above, it’s likely that higher than normal cortisol levels play a part.
But that’s when it’s too high. And, unfortunately, for many people in society today, it already is too high.
So let’s dive in and see what cortisol is, how it works and how we can balance our levels.
July 14, 2024 5 min read
In this article we're going to cover something that is key to increasing the overall endurance, performance, and recovery ability of an athlete.
But while it's very important for an athlete, or anyone into fitness of any sort — it’s also important for anyone who is just wishing to raise their overall health and energy levels.
This is because, no matter where we're starting from, very high or very low, if we address it, we can significantly raise not just our energy production and performance abilities, but our overall health, across the spectrum, possibly even removing health troubles we thought were: "just they way it is."
It's called VO2 Max. V is for Volume, O2 is for Oxygen, and Max is for Maximum.
VO2 Max literally means the maximum amount, or volume, of oxygen that your cells are currently able to utilize during intense exercise, before you burn out.
Note the word currently.
Because when we raise the maximum amount of oxygen each cell can take in and use, so that they're able to and do use more, we end up raising energy production, performance, endurance, our ability to recover, and possibly even reverse conditions we thought would never go away.
And it's not hard to do.
So let’s dive in.
July 11, 2024 5 min read
This is the first issue in a series on Extreme Athletes, those who push themselves to the max to achieve their goals and, possibly, greatness.
But, while the information in this series applies very strictly to extreme athletes, it applies just as much to anyone else trying to achieve peak performance for themselves in fitness and athletics, while staying healthy overall.
Also, while we will cover points individual to specific sports, most of the information is applicable to all sports and performance, energy, and recovery as a whole.
In this first article we’ll start with one of the key, over-riding aspects to maximize not only the ability and performance of an elite athlete, but of anyone.
Because, when you put your body through as much stress and pressure as an athlete does, every one of your organs, muscles, nerves, bones, hormones, etc., all play a part.
And, while any weak links will bring down the rest, improving any weak spots in health will help increase the energy production and performance of the overall.
July 02, 2024 4 min read
Most people think of electrolytes as something to take when they’re dehydrated. And this is true.
But there’s much more to it than that.
They allow your nervous system to function, your cells to function, and energy to be created.
When they’re low we can get brain fog, have headaches or back aches or feel exhausted.
They’re even necessary for protein synthesis for recovery and muscle building, and this slows down when we don’t have our electrolytes.
And they’re absolutely vital for hormonal creation and balance.
So let’s take a good look at what electrolytes are and what they actually do in the body. Because they’re very important.
June 25, 2024 6 min read
Growth Hormone (GH or HGH) is a key hormone that helps us build muscle and burn fat.
Your muscles are made of cells that have been fused together into muscle fibers. And on the outside of these fibers are things called satellite cells.
When you work out you damage cells in the muscle fibers. To fix this, your body releases Growth Hormone, Growth Factors (other hormones) and Testosterone. These tell the satellite cells to start replicating to both repair and replace damaged cells in the muscle, and also to add more cells, increasing the muscle fibers in size.
June 18, 2024 5 min read
In the last article we covered cortisol, a hormone which, among other things, acts to break down our muscle, breaking down the proteins in it into amino acids, which are then converted to energy sources such as sugar.
At the same time, it holds onto body fat and acts to raise body fat levels, while also preventing protein synthesis for new muscle growth.
But it also lowers key muscle building and fat loss hormones, so let’s cover what those are and how to maximize their production and use within the body for best results.
June 04, 2024 3 min read
Water retention is swelling in some part of the body, usually the feet and ankles, caused by large accumulations of fluid in the spaces between the body’s cells or in the blood vessels.
But it’s a symptom of something, not a condition in its own right.
And, while it can be caused by specific physical conditions of the kidneys, heart or circulatory system, most cases are actually due to lifestyles or diet, and they’re pretty easy to fix.
But there are many things that can cause this, so let’s jump in and see how this all works so you know what to do to help you.
May 28, 2024 6 min read
In the last article we covered how many companies selling natural sweeteners such as stevia and monk fruit, knowingly or unknowingly cut their product with artificial sweeteners by 60% or as much as 100%.
They can do this because the only way to tell for sure is to do very extensive chemical testing.
Yet these artificial sweeteners can pose real health risks, from heart trouble to gut trouble.
And they're in about 99% of non-sugar sweetened products today.
But if it takes thorough chemical analytical testing to be absolutely sure it's natural, and you probably don't have access to that, what can you do to know what's real or not?
Well, there are a few ways.
April 21, 2024 8 min read
We’ve upgraded PerfectAmino by adding nucleotides and nucleosides — the building blocks of nucleic acids: our DNA and RNA.
But we want to make sure you fully understand why we did this and how this works.
Because it was for a very exact reason. And it is very much an upgrade.
We know that the building blocks of protein and collagen are the essential amino acids.
Having all of the essential amino acids, and having each of them in the correct overall ratio, is necessary for complete protein synthesis, as well as protein synthesis without the caloric impact.
However, there is another aspect to this.
While these essential amino acids are the material used to synthesize new protein, the actual building blocks of protein and collagen, if we want perfect protein synthesis then we need to look at the process of synthesizing protein itself: how they are being made.
Because if the process is at all faulty, then even if we have the correct amino acids and correct amounts, we won't necessarily get correctly made proteins.
In fact, we can even have stopped creation of specific proteins. And that can affect us in any number of ways.
April 16, 2024 7 min read
Well done on completing the 30 Day Lean Body/Lean Bulk Challenge!
While you may feel and look different on the outside... on the inside things are even more different.
We’ve balanced hormones and repaired or replaced trillions of cells.
We’ve removed fat not only from our fat cells, but from our organs such as our liver and kidney, where it can make them less efficient or prevent them from doing their job.
We’ve built lean muscle and, depending on where we started, changed our body shape.
We’ve improved digestion and the microbiome, the most important gatekeepers for our overall health.
We’ve improved our body’s energy levels, our endurance, and our body's ability to recover, burn body fat and build lean muscle.
And we've set ourselves up, if we maintain our current lifestyle, to stay lean and continue to add muscle.
And if we have some extra deserts and gain a couple of pounds... we're now much more physically and hormonally set up to lose that very fast, often within a couple of days.
In short… we’ve done a lot!
But what do we do now?
From in-depth articles on nutritional benefits to updates on new product launches, stay informed and inspired on your journey to optimal health.