How Poor Gut Health Causes Poor Skin Health

October 15, 2024 6 min read

Woman meditating sitting in the lotus position

Today, approximately one in three Americans experience skin issues of various sorts: clogged pores, breakouts, redness, and irritation of different kinds.

And while this number has been growing for the last few decades, it’s sped up in recent years.

Even more, accelerated aging of the skin: fine lines, wrinkles, dryness or flakiness, and skin sagging is occurring earlier than normal, with many in their twenties now experiencing it.

While there are several factors involved, and some include the skin care products being used today, there is a much larger factor bringing this on: the health of our gut.

When we have harmful bacteria or candida in our body, or toxins and even gluten coming in, our immune system produces what’s called an inflammatory response.

And this, when it gets to our skin, can cause all sorts of trouble.

It can cause breakouts by increasing oil production and clogging pores.

It breaks down collagen and elastin, the proteins responsible for keeping our skin firm and smooth.

Then, as these proteins degrade, the skin begins to sag, and wrinkles or fine lines appear.

It also causes skin to lose its ability to retain moisture effectively, leading to dryness, flakiness, and irritation.

But, as much of this is caused by the health of our gut, no amount of skin creams, oils or regimens will be able to fix it as they’re addressing the end result, not the cause.

And the cause, if not itself addressed, will just continue the problem.

If we want healthy, radiant skin that stays clear, soft and firm for the longest amount of time, then we need to address our gut.

So let’s dive in.


Our entire digestive tract is designed to break down food and nutrients into a form our body can absorb and use, kill off harmful bacteria, fungi and parasites coming in, and remove toxins that have entered through food and water.

And when we feed our body the rights foods, and stay away from process foods and sugars, as well as toxins, it does a pretty good job.

One key part of this is the digestive acid in our stomach. When our stomach is able to get very acidic, breaking down the foods and killing off harmful microbes is no problem.

But when we eat less protein than we need, which is what our body makes stomach acid from, or when we take acid neutralizers or blockers, then we get less stomach acid, and some of these harmful microorganisms can get through into intestine and even into our body.

When we consume high amounts of carbohydrates, (And most processed foods today are mainly carbohydrate) this feeds these microbes, allowing them to populate and spread. This is SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth), candida, H. Pylori, C. Diff and others.

And they harm the lining of our intestine, creating tiny perforations in the lining that allow them to get through and into our body.

But they do something else. They cause an inflammatory response.

This is our immune system trying to kill them off and get rid of them.

But if we keep feeding them their sugar, our immune system can’t beat them and we have an “always on” immune system, creating a continuous inflammatory response.

As this response increase over time it can get to our skin where it breaks down the collagen and elastin fibers keeping our skin smooth and firm.

It can lead to clogged pores and breakouts.

It can break down the skin barrier that keeps moisture in our skin, bringing on dryness, flakiness and itching or irritation.

And no matter how many creams we use, this will continue and get worse as long as these harmful bacteria remain thriving in our gut.

But there’s a bit more.


Toxins cause a similar effect, but in a different way. While they cause an immune response as well, they’re also subject to our body’s natural detox pathways. And one of the largest detox pathways is our skin.

So as toxins come in, especially when they’re more than our body is capable of handling as is the case today, then our body uses our skin more and more to try to remove them.

This cause clogs in our pores, harms the skin barrier as they come out, and also creates an inflammatory response, creating the same skin conditions that harmful bacteria and candida do.

Even more, they, along with these harmful bacteria and candida, create free radicals.

The more toxins and harmful bacteria, the more free radicals. And these not only cause an inflammatory response in the skin and body, but actually work to break down the healthy cells in our skin.

All of this amounts to breakouts, skin conditions and premature aging of the skin.

So what do we do?


In truth, if we have dry, flaky skin, premature lines or wrinkles, or breakouts, we almost certainly have an issue in the gut.

This could be caused by gluten reactions, harmful bacteria, candida, or toxins. Or it could several or all of these.

If we also have any indigestion, acid reflux or bloating, then we definitely have harmful bacteria and/or candida at the very least.

So a full gut handling is called for and will bring significant results, not just in our skin, but in our overall health.

But let’s break it down.

First, we need to take Digestive Enzymes to ensure that both our food and proteins are bing fully broken down (improperly digested protein also causes an inflammatory response), and that harmful bacteria, fungi and parasites coming in are being killed off.

Then we need to take Gut Restore and Gut Defense to expose and kill off the harmful bacteria and possibly candida, H. Pylori, or C. Diff that is present.

And if we have a reaction the gluten, we need to cut that out of our foods.

Next, we need to stop consuming the high carbohydrate foods that feed these harmful microorganisms, as if we continue to fed them, then they’ll continue to repopulate, not matter how many we kill off.

Then we need to take Metal-Free & Chemical Cleanse, one of the most potent natural detoxifiers, and coincidentally an incredible anti-aging agent, to help remove the toxins coming in through food or water.

And we need to look for only organic, low carbohydrate, non-processed foods, or fruits and vegetables that are part of the Clean 15 and not the Dirty Dozen.

And we need to take Probiotic to help build back up gut microbiome that helps keep these harmful microbes in check.

And lastly, we need to raise our levels of protein and healthy fats (our skin consists mostly of collagen, a type of protein, and saturated fats). Yes, our body needs saturated fats, they help keep our skin firm and soft.

PerfectAmino provides the exact essential amino acids our body needs to produce collagen at maximum levels, 5-6 times more than collagen powders.

All of this is contained in the Gut Health Protocol.

And bundles of the above products are available at discounted rates.

If you have premature aging of the skin, or skin issues or disruptions of any kind, I highly recommend doing the Gut health Protocol.

It’s very effective.

I hope this helps.

And make sure to join our PerfectAmino VIP Group if you haven’t already, where you can ask all of your questions and we can help you with anything you need.

Index To The Gut Health Guide:

The Autoimmune Series:

  1. What Are Auto-Immune Conditions & How Do They Work
  2. Leaky Gut, Gut Health & Auto-Immune Conditions
  3. How To Address Autoimmune Conditions

The Gut Health Protocol:

  1. The Gut Health Guide & 30-Day Challenge
  2. The Gut Health Protocol
  3. Your Gut Health Schedule
  4. Running Your Gut Health Protocol

Digestion: Acid Reflux, Bloating, Muscle, Fat Loss & More:

  1. What Causes Sugar Cravings & A Protruding Stomach
  2. Why Proper Protein Digestion Is So Important
  3. What Causes Acid Reflux, Heartburn & GERD
  4. How Poor Gut Health Leads To Poor Heart Health

Leaky Gut: SIBO, Toxins, Glyphosate & Gluten:

  1. SIBO & Leaky Gut: A Root Cause Of Poor Health
  2. Glyphosate, Leaky Gut, The Microbiome & Physical Conditions
  3. How Leaky Gut Causes Premature Aging
  4. What Is Gluten Face & Wheat Belly

The Microbiome: Stress, Recovery, Mood & Overall Health:

  1. Depression, Anxiety, Stress & Sleeplessness — The Microbiome
  2. How Toxins Affect The Microbiome & Overall Health

What Is Candida & How Do We Address It?

  1. What Is Candida & How Do We Address It?

How Gut Health Affects Skin Health:

  1. How Poor Gut Health Causes Poor Skin Health

Where To Go From Here:

  1. The Gut Health Protocol: Where To Go From Here

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.