February 01, 2025 8 min read
We’ve all heard of gluten.
We’ve heard that it can be bad for us, not bad for us, mildly bad for us, etc.
But what is it really and what does it actually do?
Gluten is a mixture of proteins found in many grains, processed foods and commercial drinks that contain two specific proteins called gliadin and glutenin.
And for anyone sensitive, whether they know it or not, these can cause specific inflammatory responses throughout their body, most of which they never connect to the gluten they consumed.
It can cause stomach aches and IBS.
It can create a constant swelling of the stomach that we may confuse with excess body fat. So we try to exercise it off, but without any results as it isn’t body fat, it’s swelling caused by an inflammatory response.
When it gets into our blood stream it can affect any part of our body where it lands, or our whole body, as it will create an inflammatory response wherever it goes.
It can create aches we don’t understand, tiredness or lethargy, an overstimulated immune system, and even (by landing on healthy cells) lead to our immune system mistaking our own cells for harmful bacteria and so attacking them.
It can cause skin issues: redness, dryness, skin patches and more.
And it can cause a redness and/or puffiness in our face that we can’t seem to get rid of, and even spots of hyperpigmentation or pimples on our chin.
With all of this, it’s important to understand what it is, how and if it is affecting us, why, and what we can do about it.
So let’s dive in and see.
December 23, 2024 5 min read
As we're in the Winter months, we wanted to provide a little information on how our immune system works and how you can prepare your body to stay as healthy as possible during this period.
Getting sick is never fun.
Our Immune System helps protect our body from harmful bacteria, viruses and toxins coming in.
And, as there are certain things that can either bolster or weaken it, we wanted to share some key points to help make your holiday season one you can fully enjoy.
Let's dive in.
December 17, 2024 5 min read
Everyone wants soft, healthy, firm skin. Especially as we get older.
This is so much the case that about $17 Billion is spent on skin care products yearly.
But much of these products, while providing results in the short term, actually cause worsening conditions over time, increasing the "need" to use them.
This is due, in many cases, to some very toxic ingredients used in many of them.
These include hormone disruptors, formaldehyde, chemicals also used as plastic softeners, carcinogens, allergens, solvents and even neurotoxins.
So, while these products may contain ingredients that seem to help on an immediate basis, over time many of them are causing the issues they claim to address.
Let’s see what's actually happening here and what we can do about it.
December 15, 2024 9 min read
We’ve touched on how toxins affect our digestive tract and microbiome, and also how they lead to Leaky Gut and to our immune system mistaking healthy cells for harmful microbes that must be destroyed.
They cause an inflammatory response, both in our digestive tract and throughout our body over time.
They affect our hormones, energy levels, and mental focus. They make losing body fat and building muscle much harder due to increased cortisol levels.
And they speed the aging process, both internally and in our skin and overall appearance.
But now we’re going to dive deeper. And to give a real idea of how this works we're going to look at how one toxin, Glyphosate, affects us.
Glyphosate is the key ingredient in the herbicide Roundup, which is used on most major crops today.
This is a real problem, because it's one of the most toxic substances there is.
And due to its widespread use, it’s in almost all processed foods and non-organic meats.
And it plays a very large roll in the destruction of our digestive tract, microbiome and overall health, leading to Leaky Gut and some of the worst physical conditions there are.
So let’s dive in and see how this actually affects us and what we can do.
December 08, 2024 5 min read
Did you know low levels of thyroid can bring on not only low energy and weight gain, but also depression and even brain fog?
This can make thinking, problem-solving, and just coping with the everyday stresses of life, much harder.
With the rise in hormone-blocking toxins in our environment, processed foods and processed sugars, and the low amount of protein most of us consume, low thyroid is affecting more and more people, especially among women and the elderly.
In this article we dive into what thyroid is, how low thyroid occurs, how it affects our mood, mental alertness, and our ability to think and cope with the problems of everyday life and what we can do to raise it.
December 05, 2024 5 min read
We've spoken a lot about hormones, but here we cover specifically how toxins affect these.
Testosterone levels have been dropping for decades, while estrogen levels have risen sharply.
And hormonal imbalances are now much more than just being deficient in one or another hormone.
But why is this?
There are exact chemicals in the environment now which block hormones from being created, block them from being used, disrupt their normal action, or even impersonate them entirely.
And, while this affects muscle-building and fat loss significantly, its effect goes far beyond this.
Let's dive in.
December 01, 2024 7 min read
Our body's ability to relax, de-stress, recover, and sleep deeply is heavily determined by one area of our body overlooked more often than almost any other — our Microbiome.
This colony of trillions of bacteria living in our large intestine helps produce the calming, relaxing, cortisol-lowering, and sleep-giving neurotransmitters GABA and serotonin.
These bacteria have more to do with our overall health, calmness of mind, nerve function, ability to sleep, ability to burn fat and build muscle, and even our hormones than you might think.
This colony, made up of about 500 different species of bacteria, is called the Microbiome.
But these bacteria, while being fully separate from us, act as if they were an organ unto themselves within our bodies. And what they do, amongst each other and in coordination with the cells in the lining of our colon, is truly extraordinary.
November 07, 2024 6 min read
Cholesterol is very firmly associated with lifespan. Just not in the way most people think.
In fact, according to newer research, levels of cholesterol in the ranges of 210-240 are associated with longer lifespans.
And lower levels of cholesterol lead to lower levels of energy, overall health and hormonal deficiencies among testosterone, estrogen and others.
In this article we cover how cholesterol actually operates in the body, what it actually has to do with high blood pressure and how it’s not quite the villain it’s been made out to be, but a vital part of our body’s proper functioning.
October 15, 2024 6 min read
Today, approximately one in three Americans experience skin issues of various sorts: clogged pores, breakouts, redness, and irritation of different kinds.
And while this number has been growing for the last few decades, it’s sped up in recent years.
Even more, accelerated aging of the skin: fine lines, wrinkles, dryness or flakiness, and skin sagging is occurring earlier than normal, with many in their twenties now experiencing it.
While there are several factors involved, and some include the skin care products being used today, there is a much larger factor bringing this on: the health of our gut.
When we have harmful bacteria or candida in our body, or toxins and even gluten coming in, our immune system produces what’s called an inflammatory response.
And this, when it gets to our skin, can cause all sorts of trouble.
It can cause breakouts by increasing oil production and clogging pores.
It breaks down collagen and elastin, the proteins responsible for keeping our skin firm and smooth.
Then, as these proteins degrade, the skin begins to sag, and wrinkles or fine lines appear.
It also causes skin to lose its ability to retain moisture effectively, leading to dryness, flakiness, and irritation.
But, as much of this is caused by the health of our gut, no amount of skin creams, oils or regimens will be able to fix it as they’re addressing the end result, not the cause.
And the cause, if not itself addressed, will just continue the problem.
If we want healthy, radiant skin that stays clear, soft and firm for the longest amount of time, then we need to address our gut.
So let’s dive in.
September 23, 2024 6 min read
In another article we covered what SIBO is, how it comes about, what feeds it, and how it creates cravings for sugar and other junk foods, preventing fat loss and causing low energy levels.
But there is another aspect to SIBO which has more destructive and far-reaching effects.
There is something called Leaky Gut, where there are actual microscopic perforations in the intestinal lining that is meant to protect our internal organs from the harmful bacteria, parasites and toxins coming in through our digestive tract.
And it's behind a significant number of physical conditions common today, from hormonal imbalances, stress and poor sleep, to liver and kidney trouble, heart trouble, skin issues and even premature aging.
So let's see what it is and what SIBO has to do with it.
September 19, 2024 7 min read
The Gut Health Protocol & 30-Day Challenge starts today!
On this protocol we address Acid Reflux, GERD, IBS, Candida, H. Pylori, C. Diff, Leaky Gut, SIBO, Gluten Reactions & Much More.
We address hormone and energy levels, mood, the ability to burn body fat and increase muscle gains.
We address sleep, stress levels and overall mood.
We address cravings for sugar that derail our diets or fat loss attempts.
We address bloating and a protruding stomach.
And we improve overall health and longevity.
This is probably the most important protocol we have released, because it truly affects every aspect of our overall health.
Our gut is the chief entrance to our body.
And its ability to break down foods into nutrients our cells need to function, to balance our hormones, to provide key neurotransmitters for our brain and nervous system, and to prevent harmful toxins and microorganisms from making it into our bloodstream is more important than any other aspect of our body to ensure our overall health, energy levels, and longevity.
But let’s go a little deeper.
September 12, 2024 8 min read
Our digestive tract’s ability to fully digest and absorb protein determines, in large part, our body's ability to build muscle and lose body fat.
It affects our energy levels, hormones, inflammatory responses, and overall health.
It affects our gut and our ability to repair intestinal lining that has been damaged by toxins and harmful bacteria.
And when protein isn’t properly digested, this triggers a sequence of actions involving our immune system that leads to higher levels of cortisol, the hormone that prevents fat loss and breaks down muscle.
It leads to lower energy and mood, hormone issues, Leaky Gut, and even to our immune system mistaking our own cells for harmful bacteria and toxins, and so attacking them.
Even more, without full digestion, our body receives less of the protein we consume in a form it can actually use.
So we get less protein for muscle, properly balanced hormones, cellular repair and upkeep, and overall health and energy, while at the same time we’re eating more that goes to waste.
This is a big deal. Due to processed foods and sugars, many of our digestive tracts don’t function at optimal levels, preventing a significant amount of the food we eat from being fully broken down so our body can use it.
Beyond this, improper digestion leads to not only heart burn, acid reflux, GERD, gas and a bloated stomach, but also allows for harmful bacteria, parasites, and fungi to take root, further causing us trouble.
Everything hinges on protein. Or, more specifically, the essential amino acids protein provides, which is what our body actually uses.
So, understanding exactly how digestion works and how to keep or get it working properly is very important.
From in-depth articles on nutritional benefits to updates on new product launches, stay informed and inspired on your journey to optimal health.