September 09, 2024 4 min read
Welcome to the Gut Health Guide, Protocol & 30-Day Challenge!
Our gut is one of the most important aspects of our health.
If our gut is generally healthy, so are we. If our gut is not healthy, then neither are we. It really is that simple.
But about two thirds of Americans are living with gut issues.
Acid reflux, heart burn, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Gas and bloating, causing a protruding stomach that can’t be “exercised off.”
Leaky Gut, SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth), Candida, H. Pylori and C. Diff.
Gluten reactions.
An imbalanced microbiome causing higher stress levels, poor energy, and much more.
If we want the healthiest body we can have, with high energy levels, an easy time maintaining our figure, healthier skin, a calmer mood, hormonal balance, lean muscle, and good sleep — then we need to take control of our gut.
September 05, 2024 10 min read
This is the third article in the Autoimmune series.
In the last two articles we covered what autoimmunity is and what causes it.
And in this article we’re going to talk about how to address it.
When we look at addressing some kind of physical condition, we can look at it from two different angles: addressing the symptoms and working to suppress those, or locating the root cause that is creating the condition, and keeping it created on a daily basis, and address that so that it is no longer being continually created.
September 03, 2024 8 min read
This is the second article in the Autoimmune Series.
In the last article we covered what autoimmune conditions are and what they’re actually doing in the body. But in this article we’re going to cover how they come about.
What actually causes them.
And it starts in the gut, our first defense against illness.
September 01, 2024 5 min read
About 1 in 10 people in the US now suffer from some sort of autoimmune disease. And this level has been rising fast over the last couple of decades.
It’s rising fastest amongst adolescents, where the number has tripled in the last 3 decades.
In 1988-1991 an estimated 22 million people between 12 and 19 years old had an autoimmune disease, and in 2011-2012 it rose to 41 million.
But it affects adults as well, generally manifesting somewhere between the ages of 15-45. And about 75% of those affected are female.
These are conditions such as Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Crohn's disease, Fibromyalgia, Hashimoto’s, Ulcerative Colitis and a host of some 80 others.
And other conditions, such as Lyme disease, can trigger autoimmune conditions.
These can cause low thyroid, muscle pain or fatigue, stiff or painful joints, and exhaustion and lethargy. Or they can attack specific organs or nerve cells, and even the skin.
But what is an autoimmune disease? What's happening in the body when someone has one?
August 22, 2024 7 min read
There are certain things that accelerate aging, destroying our cells, far beyond anything else.
You’ve probably heard of them, but never gotten a real explanation for what they are or how they work.
They’re called free radicals.
These are incomplete molecules in our body, caused naturally or through toxins, harmful bacteria, radiation, and ingredients in many processed foods.
But while they do occur naturally on a lower level, when they’re too high, they cause destruction throughout our body.
They can affect our skin, creating dry or sagging skin over time, or lead to disruptions in our skin.
They affect our hormones and hormonal balance.
They lower our energy levels while raising immune activity.
They affect our cardiovascular system, injuring our blood vessels.
They can break down proteins in our cells, harm our DNA, and even cause mutations.
And they raise stress levels throughout our nervous system, making it harder to relax, recover from workouts or activity, or get good, deep sleep.
In short, they’re not good. And as they’re at an all time high with today’s environmental pollutants and chemicals in our foods, we need to take active steps to neutralize them to prevent damage in the body.
So let’s dive in.
August 01, 2024 16 min read
If you’re reading this page, it’s likely that you’ve seen our claims for PerfectAmino Essential Amino Acids; and that you may have a few questions about them.
The first claim is that not all proteins are equal. That different proteins, once digested and absorbed, provide our bodies with different amounts of usable protein, gram for gram.
The second claim is that the idea that we receive 4 calories for every gram of protein we consume is a misconception. And that it indicates a broader lack of understanding of what calories are outside of the scientific community, and what they have to do with muscle gain, energy, and body fat.
We’ll do our best to answer those claims here.
June 30, 2024 7 min read
What speeds up the aging process and what can we do about it?
There is something called accelerated aging, where aging happens years or decades before it should. And it’s becoming more and more common.
In this article we’re going to dive into exactly what causes accelerated aging, especially aging in our 30’s, 40’s, 50’s… and even our 20’s.
We’re going to cover exactly what is happening to our cells, what is doing this, how this affects aging, and what we can do to prevent it.
June 23, 2024 5 min read
Someone born in 1950 started out life receiving 50 times less toxins going into their bodies than a child today. Their mother had grown up receiving even less than that and so had less to pass onto them before birth as well.
And they grew up on this much smaller toxic load.
So the amount of toxins injuring or destroying cells was much less.
But now look at where we are today — 50 times as many chemicals as we had then, and many of them are much more toxic.
These very definitely have an affect on our health. In some cases it’s quite obvious, but in most cases it’s something we don’t notice, because it happens over time.
June 13, 2024 7 min read
Did you know that factors such as diet, exercise, toxins, sleep, stress and more can affect how able our DNA are to make new, healthy cells? This is actually a huge factor in aging.
If our DNA can't make new cells properly, but instead make "faulty" cells, then, as our body is nothing but cells, over time our body begins to slowly degrade.
We see it in our skin, our strength, our energy levels and our overall health. This is half of what we call "aging."
But it doesn't have to be this way. This is a created situation. And we can reverse it.
June 09, 2024 6 min read
If we want to actually increase longevity, increase lifespan and increase overall health and ability during the entirety of that lifespan, then we need to define what we’re talking about and, even more, compare the current “norm” we’ve become accustomed to… to what not only can exist, but does exist in other places today.
A person should be able to live past 100 years old, with high energy levels, strength and mental ability, doing what they want without the need of twenty different drugs to keep them going, and then pass away peacefully.
And not only should that be the case, but in places outside of our “modern world” — called Blue Zones — it is the case. Quite routinely.
May 28, 2024 6 min read
In the last article we covered how many companies selling natural sweeteners such as stevia and monk fruit, knowingly or unknowingly cut their product with artificial sweeteners by 60% or as much as 100%.
They can do this because the only way to tell for sure is to do very extensive chemical testing.
Yet these artificial sweeteners can pose real health risks, from heart trouble to gut trouble.
And they're in about 99% of non-sugar sweetened products today.
But if it takes thorough chemical analytical testing to be absolutely sure it's natural, and you probably don't have access to that, what can you do to know what's real or not?
Well, there are a few ways.
May 26, 2024 5 min read
We recently upgraded the sweeteners in our PerfectAmino Powder and PerfectAmino Electrolytes.
And in doing so we found out something quite disturbing.
We already knew some sweeteners labeled “Pure” or “All Natural” were often cut with artificial sweeteners to a degree, and we have always had to watch this.
But what we found out when researching natural sweeteners for our new formulation, and the amount of them that actually aren’t what they say they are, was surprising and somewhat scary.
It turns out, about 99% of so-called natural sweeteners actually contain artificial sweeteners in amounts as much as 60%, 80%… or even 100%.
And we want to make sure you know about this, why it matters, and what to look out for.
From in-depth articles on nutritional benefits to updates on new product launches, stay informed and inspired on your journey to optimal health.