December 17, 2024 5 min read
Everyone wants soft, healthy, firm skin. Especially as we get older.
This is so much the case that about $17 Billion is spent on skin care products yearly.
But much of these products, while providing results in the short term, actually cause worsening conditions over time, increasing the "need" to use them.
This is due, in many cases, to some very toxic ingredients used in many of them.
These include hormone disruptors, formaldehyde, chemicals also used as plastic softeners, carcinogens, allergens, solvents and even neurotoxins.
So, while these products may contain ingredients that seem to help on an immediate basis, over time many of them are causing the issues they claim to address.
Let’s see what's actually happening here and what we can do about it.
December 15, 2024 9 min read
We’ve touched on how toxins affect our digestive tract and microbiome, and also how they lead to Leaky Gut and to our immune system mistaking healthy cells for harmful microbes that must be destroyed.
They cause an inflammatory response, both in our digestive tract and throughout our body over time.
They affect our hormones, energy levels, and mental focus. They make losing body fat and building muscle much harder due to increased cortisol levels.
And they speed the aging process, both internally and in our skin and overall appearance.
But now we’re going to dive deeper. And to give a real idea of how this works we're going to look at how one toxin, Glyphosate, affects us.
Glyphosate is the key ingredient in the herbicide Roundup, which is used on most major crops today.
This is a real problem, because it's one of the most toxic substances there is.
And due to its widespread use, it’s in almost all processed foods and non-organic meats.
And it plays a very large roll in the destruction of our digestive tract, microbiome and overall health, leading to Leaky Gut and some of the worst physical conditions there are.
So let’s dive in and see how this actually affects us and what we can do.
December 12, 2024 5 min read
Did you know that the official measurement of what is considered to be normal testosterone levels has been lowered?
It has. And this was done because the majority of men no longer fall into the earlier acceptable ranges.
Their testosterone levels are too low.
Why is this? What's happening? And why would they choose to lower the acceptable levels instead of addressing why they are lowering?
In this article we talk about what testosterone does in the body, largely from the view of its anti-aging effects, how lowering testosterone levels, not just in the elderly, speeds up our biological aging, and what is causing this.
December 10, 2024 10 min read
If we want to slim down while gaining lean muscle or toning our muscles, we need to address our hormones.
This is because achieving hormonal balance allows our body to fully and correctly utilize the nutrients we’re consuming for what we do want and not for what we don’t want.
We’ve already covered how high Cortisol hinders fat loss and slows muscle growth. As well as how Growth Hormone, Testosterone and IGF help to speed fat loss and muscle growth.
But there is another aspect to this balancing act: Estrogen, Progesterone and Thyroid.
These hormones exist in both women and men, and are each necessary in proper amounts.
But when they go out of balance, they can create a vicious spiral that raises cortisol and cravings for junk food, lowers growth hormone, testosterone and IGF, and makes fat loss and muscle gains much harder all around.
December 08, 2024 5 min read
Did you know low levels of thyroid can bring on not only low energy and weight gain, but also depression and even brain fog?
This can make thinking, problem-solving, and just coping with the everyday stresses of life, much harder.
With the rise in hormone-blocking toxins in our environment, processed foods and processed sugars, and the low amount of protein most of us consume, low thyroid is affecting more and more people, especially among women and the elderly.
In this article we dive into what thyroid is, how low thyroid occurs, how it affects our mood, mental alertness, and our ability to think and cope with the problems of everyday life and what we can do to raise it.
December 05, 2024 5 min read
We've spoken a lot about hormones, but here we cover specifically how toxins affect these.
Testosterone levels have been dropping for decades, while estrogen levels have risen sharply.
And hormonal imbalances are now much more than just being deficient in one or another hormone.
But why is this?
There are exact chemicals in the environment now which block hormones from being created, block them from being used, disrupt their normal action, or even impersonate them entirely.
And, while this affects muscle-building and fat loss significantly, its effect goes far beyond this.
Let's dive in.
November 28, 2024 10 min read
The hardest part of any diet, whether for fat loss, muscle gain or health, is getting over our cravings for sugar and junk food.
There's no question there.
The only real question is how? It can be so hard!
I understand. And in case you feel alone in this struggle — you're not.
It's the hardest part of any diet or lifestyle change, and where most people fall off.
But to know how to fix this we need to know exactly what's causing it.
And one thing I can tell you is not causing it... is you having a "weak will."
That's not it at all.
There are very exact things causing these cravings, and they can turn them on hard.
In today's article I cover exactly what is causing them (all the reasons), why they can be so hard to get over, and exactly how to address them to make the transition as smooth as possible (which is exactly what the Fat Loss Protocol is designed to do).
I think you'll like it.
November 24, 2024 7 min read
Those are some big claims in that title.
And how could they be true when we have statements like:
“BCAAs stimulate the building of protein in muscle and possibly reduce muscle breakdown.”
“Valine is needed for your muscle fibers to fire, for tissue repair, and for the maintenance of proper nitrogen balance in the body.”
“Leucine stimulates muscle protein synthesis and may be the dominant fuel involved in anabolic (tissue building) reactions.”
Well, unfortunately, the claims in the title of this article are true.
They come from research studies done on BCAAs, while the above quoted statements come from marketers.
BCAAs, or Branched Chain Amino Acids, taken on their own regularly and over time, can have a significant effect on body fat creation, muscle gain reduction, kidney trouble, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and obesity.
And it's becoming quite a problem. Just google "BCAAs side effects" or "BCAAs and Type 2 Diabetes" and you'll find much more than you wanted to.
But how can they say these things and how does this all work?
Let's dig in and see.
November 21, 2024 9 min read
How does PerfectAmino actually work? And what is it really doing in our bodies?
PerfectAmino is the perfect protein source. But there is a point there. It’s the perfect protein source. It isn’t protein in itself, but amino acids, the building blocks of protein.
When these amino acids are bonded together into chains, that’s when it becomes a protein.
That’s what any protein molecule you eat is — hundreds or thousands of different amino acids all bonded together into a long chain.
But PerfectAmino is different than other protein sources you’ve had. Very different.
November 14, 2024 8 min read
Getting good sleep is one of the most important things we can do, not just for muscle building and fat loss but for our mood, energy levels, and overall health.
Sleep is when our body is able to recover and repair cells, a lack of it even affects our aging process, speeding it up internally, as well as visibly causing wrinkles and sagging skin.
During the first few hours of deep sleep is when many hormones, including growth hormone and IGF (major fat-burning hormone) are released.
Getting enough sleep also helps to keep cortisol levels lower and balance estrogen, testosterone, progesterone and thyroid.
So if we want a lean, toned or muscled body, then we need deep sleep every night for full recovery, muscle building, natural fat loss and hormonal balance.
Yet a third of Americans get poor sleep, and those with the worst sleep generally have poor health.
So what causes this and what can we do to not only get better, deeper, more refreshing sleep, but also to reverse the effects of poor sleep?
Let’s dive in and see.
November 07, 2024 6 min read
Cholesterol is very firmly associated with lifespan. Just not in the way most people think.
In fact, according to newer research, levels of cholesterol in the ranges of 210-240 are associated with longer lifespans.
And lower levels of cholesterol lead to lower levels of energy, overall health and hormonal deficiencies among testosterone, estrogen and others.
In this article we cover how cholesterol actually operates in the body, what it actually has to do with high blood pressure and how it’s not quite the villain it’s been made out to be, but a vital part of our body’s proper functioning.
November 05, 2024 8 min read
When working out, training, or just going about our daily lives, optimal blood flow is very important.
It's necessary for the fullest recovery after exercise, high energy levels, performance, muscle building, and fat loss. Not to mention, overall health.
Poor blood flow even affects our mood.
It's how the nutrients, water, and oxygen needed for energy creation and cellular repair flow to our cells.
And how the toxins flow out.
If our blood flow is lower, our cells do not get these nutrients or oxygen fast enough and our energy levels go down during high intensity workouts, or in daily life.
This lowers endurance, slows recovery, muscle building, and fat loss significantly, and can leave us feeling exhausted, low energy, and even depressed.
Achieving healthy blood flow then is important for maximum results and maximum overall health.
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