Is It Possible To Build Lean Muscle Without Cutting?

February 25, 2025 4 min read

Is It Possible To Build Lean Muscle Without Cutting?

What Is Lean Bulking?

Bulking and Cutting has been around for decades now.

We work out hard, we count our macros, and eat and eat and eat.

And we build lots of muscle.

But at the same time that we’re building muscle, we also build body fat. And we build each at about the same rate, a pound of muscle for a pound of fat.

Then we do a cut, cutting back on our calories, and in some cases starving ourselves (which is never necessary), and do a lot of extra cardio — running, biking, sprints, etc. — all to lose that extra body fat we gained.

And hopefully we don’t lose too much of our muscle gains in the process.

Now, I have no problem if someone enjoys that. Many people do. But many others don’t.

And the thing is, it isn’t necessary.

At all.

There is something called a Lean Bulk.

It’s where we add lean muscle, but without the excess body fat.

Even more, while we're adding that lean muscle, we can strip off excess body fat at the same time.

Yes, we have our macros.

And we eat plenty.

And we build muscle fast.

But we’re building lean muscle and nothing else. (Yes, as you increase calories during it you may add a very little body fat, but that will also come right back off in the next couple of days as you carry on.)

But if Lean Bulking is so easy, why doesn't everyone do it already?


Lean Bulking should actually be easy. And with the right foods, it is.

We just can’t do it with our current heavily processed foods and sugars, protein powders which are largely converted to sugar or fats in our bodies, and extremely high levels of Omega 6 fatty acids in our foods, a fat that raises cortisol levels, prioritizing fat storage and preventing fat loss.

We’re still counting calories when we Lean Bulk, but foods aren’t just calories to our bodies, they’re also triggers.

They trigger our hormones, the chemicals in our bodies that tell our cells how to use the food we eat, that say whether to burn fat or store fat, build muscle or break it down, raise energy levels or lower them.

And different foods, no matter their calorie type or amount, trigger different hormones. 

When these hormones are in balance we have no problems gaining muscle or losing fat and keeping it off, and our energy levels and mood are high.

But when our hormones are off, our cells receive instructions to not only store fat, but to not burn it, and to break down muscle to use for energy instead.

This makes building lean muscle and staying lean much harder. And it's notnecessary.

You can build lean muscle without all that excess fat — and do so naturally.

And you can lose excess fat without losing muscle, and keep it off.

Fat is just stored energy from our food that wasn’t used. If we have extra body fat, it’s in part because we ate more than our body needs.

But the types of food we eat also raise or lower various hormones and so determine whether those calories will be stored as fat or used to power us through a workout.

We need to address these hormones and get them working how they’re supposed to.

And you’d be surprised at how easy things become once we do.

The Lean Body/Lean Bulk Protocol

If you’d like to build lean muscle without the excess body fat, either to build significant muscle or just to tone your body, and all while raising your overall health, energy levels and mood, then the Lean Body/Lean Bulk Protocol is for you.

There are two separate protocols, one for building a Lean Body and one for building significant muscle, Lean Bulking.

They cover every aspect related to building and maintaining lean muscle, staying lean, the hormones involved, diet, how different foods affect us, digestion, recovery, and much more.

You can go here to start.

And you can find discounted packages for supplements needed for the protocol here

And, if you have any questions, make sure to join our VIP Group where you can ask any question you have and get only the best answers.

We'll see you there!

Index To The Lean Body/Lean Bulk Guide:

Introductory Articles:

  1. Is It Possible To Build Lean Muscle Without Cutting?
  2. The Diet Of The Golden Age Body Builders

Getting Started:

  1. The Lean Body/Lean Bulk Guide & 30-Day Challenge
  2. Hormones: The Third Dimension of Calorie Cutting
  3. The Lean Body/Lean Bulk Diet

Supplements & Macros By Goal:

  1. Supplements & Macros For Lean Body
  2. Supplements & Macros For Beginner To Moderate Lean Bulking
  3. Supplements & Macros For Advanced Lean Bulking

Workout Regimens & Exercise Videos:

  1. Beginner to Moderate Level Workout Regimen
  2. Advanced Workout Regimen
  3. Lean Body/Lean Bulk Exercise Videos

Week One:

  1. Metrics & Key Data For Week One
  2. How BCAAs Build Body Fat & Lower Health Over Time
  3. The Importance Of Complete Protein Digestion

Week Two:

  1. Dialing In Our Macros For Lean Muscle: Hormones & Cravings
  2. How Cortisol Breaks Down Muscle & Prevents Protein Synthesis
  3. How To Improve Growth Hormone, Testosterone & Protein Synthesis

Week Three:

  1. Thyroid, Estrogen & Progesterone: Speeding Fat Loss & Lean Muscle Creation
  2. Improving Sleep: Muscle Building, Fat Loss, Mood & Aging
  3. Maximizing Cellular Function For Endurance & Recovery

Week Four:

  1. Raising VO2 Max: Endurance, Performance & Recovery
  2. How Toxins Affect Our Hormones: Building Muscle & Fat Loss
  3. Blood Flow For Muscle, Fat Loss & Overall Health

Final Week:

  1. What Is HRV & How Does It Affect Recovery & Health
  2. End Of The Lean Body/Lean Bulk Challenge: Where To Go From Here

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.