March 10, 2024 8 min read
Here we cover the exact supplements and macronutrient you will be consuming during this protocol and exactly how.
There are three different macronutrient ranges to pick from, depending on which Carb to Fat ratio you personally prefer, with notes on each.
There is also an exact way in which you will dial in your macros to ensure you are getting enough for what your body needs.
One thing to note. This is the Lean Body Protocol. If you are a woman who is not looking to be “muscled up,” this is the protocol for you.
But that doesn’t mean you won't add lean muscle. You will. And you want to.
Losing body fat alone does not achieve a look or shape that most women want. It’s muscle that creates and holds that shape.
So if you want an hourglass shape, or a more rounded bottom that does not sag, it’s muscle that creates that.
This may actually lead to slightly increased body weight, as muscle weighs more than body fat by volume.
But this is fine, because muscle takes up less space.
So if we lose a pound of body fat but gain a pound of muscle, we actually have less volume, so we’re slimmer.
But because muscle creates and holds the shape we want, we don’t just lose some body fat, we also firm our skin and create the shape we want.
But you also won’t appear muscled up, only toned and slim.
If you want to appear muscled up, or add much more visible muscle, then the Advanced Lean Bulk Macronutrients are for you.
Let's start.
PerfectAmino: You will be taking at least one serving for every 50 pounds of body weight while on this protocol, plus two more servings.
So if you weigh 100 lbs, this would be 2 servings plus 2 more.
If you experience extreme cravings on any specific day during the first week, take another serving on top of this for that day, but also increase macros. It will help considerably.
PerfectAmino is not counted in your protein macronutrients but is taken in addition to them.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids: Take at least one gel cap for every 50 lbs of body weight.
Digestive Enzymes: Take 1-2 capsules per meal, with the meal. Do not take them before or after, but with food.
Electrolytes: If you experience any bloating from water retention, take electrolytes, one serving per day. Water retention comes from too high sodium (salt) and the electrolytes balance that out. This will also help with any headaches or fatigue as well as improved recovery and endurance.
Sleep: If you have any trouble sleeping, take the Sleep supplement. A majority of fat loss and muscle building occurs during the first few hours of sleep each night, while lack of sleep causes the opposite.
Multi Complete: Vitamin D, CoQ10, Vitamin E, and B12 are also highly recommended. They're each necessary for both men and women for hormonal balance, energy production and utilization, and protein synthesis.
Carbohydrates: We want all carbs to be from natural sources, no processed or packaged foods, and definitely no canned sodas or energy drinks as these will stop you in more ways than one.
If you are above the age of 40, or have already noticed that your body does not deal with sugar as well as it used to, then we recommend working to eat only low-glycemic carbohydrates.
Fats: We want our fats to be healthy fats — no trans fats from packaged, processed foods. Saturated fats are great, olive oil is great, avocados, nuts, butter, whole fat meats, fatty fish, cream, eggs, chia seeds, sea food.
Proteins: We want our proteins to be Non-GMO and certified organic, free range, grass fed, wild-caught. No protein powders.
Meats that are fed corn and soy have very high omega 6 levels which lead to very high cortisol in the body. We can’t have that for this. So meats must be grass-fed and grass-finished at the very least.
Fish are very good for lean bulking. This is due to their high omega 3 levels which help to lower cortisol and raise testosterone, progesterone and growth hormone.
But work to get only wild caught fish as “farmed” “nursery-raised” or “Atlantic” are given low quality feed and are breeding grounds for parasites that can enter our bodies.
Now we have some calculations to make.
Below you will find the exact amount of Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats you will be consuming per pound of body weight for your Starting Macros.
First, weigh yourself.
To get your macros, take your weight in pounds and multiply it by the amount of grams listed below for each:
Carbohydrates: (your body weight) x 0.7 grams (20%)
Protein: (your body weight) x 1.05 grams (30%) (Remember, this does not include PerfectAmino)
Fats: (your body weight) x 0.77 grams (50%)
Here's an example: If you weighed 150 lbs you would have:
Carbohydrates: 150 lbs x .7 = 105 grams
Proteins: 150 lbs x 1.05 = 158 grams
Fats: 150 lbs x .77 = 116 grams
The above are the normal starting macros, and they work very well for most people.
But many will say they need more carbohydrates, that they do fine on carbohydrates.
And while some in their 40s and 50s may say this, this will mostly be said by those in their 30s or below.
This is because our metabolism undergoes a change around the age of 40 for both men and women (for some people it’s earlier by a few years and for some people later).
Before this we’re more able to metabolize higher levels of carbohydrates without gaining body fat.
After this… carbs are our enemy.
Do you need higher carbs to get what you want?
No. But if they don't hurt you, and you really want them, then as long as they’re natural — not processed — you can have more.
We just need to adjust your ratios, raising carbs and lowering fats.
Or, if you prefer to lower carbs, we can do this also.
Below you will find macros for 30% carbs (High Carb Lean Bulk) as well as 10% carbs (High Fat Lean Bulk):
Carbohydrates: (your body weight) x 1.05 grams (30%)
Protein: (your body weight) x 1.05 grams (30%) (Note: this does not include PerfectAmino)
Fats: (your body weight) x 0.62 grams (40%)
Here's an example: If you weighed 150 lbs you would have:
Carbohydrates: 150 lbs x 1.05 = 158 grams
Proteins: 150 lbs x 1.05 = 158 grams
Fats: 150 lbs x .62 = 93 grams
Carbohydrates: (your body weight) x 0.35 grams (10%)
Protein: (your body weight) x 1.05 grams (30%) (Note: this does not include PerfectAmino)
Fats: (your body weight) x 0.92 grams (60%)
Here's an example: If you weighed 150 lbs you would have:
Carbohydrates: 150 lbs x .35 = 53 grams
Proteins: 150 lbs x 1.05 = 157 grams
Fats: 150 lbs x .92 = 138 grams
So the above are your starting macros. But everyone is different and they will need to be dialed in over the course of the first week to fit you, your metabolism, and your current body fat to lean muscle ratios.
And dialing these in is very easy.
The Important thing is to keep to the right foods and to these exact ratios.
Macros too high:
First, if they are too much to consume, for the first two days — do your best.
I mean it. Go as high on each macro as you can without stuffing yourself or making yourself feel uncomfortable — and take your digestive enzymes.
If that means you’re only off by a little bit, great. If it means you can only eat 70% of it, that’s fine.
Do your best to hit each macro, staying balanced between the three, without stuffing yourself.
You may very quickly find they’re not too much as you start working out.
However, if they’re still too much after day three, it’s easy to lower them.
Just take your exact amount of grams for each macro and multiply them by 0.95 to reduce them by 5%, by 0.9 to reduce them by 10% or by .85 to reduce them by 15%.
Then use those new numbers as your macros carrying on forward.
If those are still too much, multiply your new numbers again by 0.95.
And if this is still too much… Do your best to eat as much of it as you can and within a week at most it will definitely not be too much.
Macros too low:
One key rule on this protocol is that you should never be hungry.
If your macros are too low, and you find you’re still a little hungry (or a lot), multiply your macros by 1.05 and use these new numbers. If you find you’re still hungry, multiply them again by 1.05.
Or, if at the very beginning you are starving, multiply them by 1.1. If still hungry the next day, multiply the new number by 1.05.
It can sometimes happen over a period of a week that someone raises their macros a few times.
They raise them once and they’re fine. But two days later they’re hungry again. So they raise macros again. Then they’re fine. But two or three days later they’re hungry again. So they raise macros again.
This is fine. Just keep to the macro percentages, raising each one individually and not one more than another.
It will balance out in a few days and within a week at the maximum we’ll be dialed in pretty well and we just move forward from there.
This first week is a dial-in week.
We want to dial in our macros and dial in the weights we’re working with.
We also want to get through any cravings for processed sugars we may have.
So it may be a bit up and down.
But it evens out pretty fast and then we build.
Okay, you should start planning your grocery shopping now.
Next we’re going to get into the workout you will be doing.
There are two different workout routines for this challenge. There is one for beginner to moderate levels, and there is a more advanced workout regimen.
If you have just completed the Sustainable Fat Loss Protocol, are new to weight lifting, or would like to start out slow your first week to get into it and get everything dialed in, then start with the Beginner to Moderate Level Workout Routine. If that proves too little for you, you can easily jump to the Advanced Workout Routine.
Go here for the Beginner to Moderate Level Workout Routine.
If you are already an advanced weight lifter, or are ready to move to a higher level, then do the Advanced Workout Routine. If it’s too much you can always pair it back.
Go here for the Advanced Workout Routine.
And if you have any questions, make sure to join our VIP Group where you can ask any question you have and get only the best answers.
Introductory Articles:
Getting Started:
Supplements & Macros By Goal:
Workout Regimens & Exercise Videos:
Week One:
Week Two:
Week Three:
Week Four:
Final Week:
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