Your Gut Health Protocol Schedule

September 10, 2024 4 min read

athlletic man with a six pack of abs

As promised, here is your very short, very simple schedule for use on the Gut Health 30-Day Challenge. You can print this out and keep it with you or put it on the refrigerator to run your day:

Here we go:


  1. First thing in the morning, with water or coffee (yes, you can have coffee) take two servings of PerfectAmino. If you’re taking Greens you can also take them now.
  2. Breakfast: Healthy proteins and fats, and take 1-2 Digestive Enzymes.
  3. Drink plenty of water. This is also a good time to take Electrolytes.
  4. 20-30 minutes before Lunch take 1 Gut Defense.
  5. Lunch: Healthy proteins and fats, and leafy greens or cruciferous vegetables. And take 1-2 Digestive Enzymes. If you’re taking Multi Complete, take 2 now.
  6. Mid-Afternoon: Drink plenty of water and take one serving of PerfectAmino. If you need an apple, have it now.
  7. Dinner: Healthy proteins and fats, and leafy greens or cruciferous vegetables. And take 1-2 Digestive Enzymes. If you’re taking Multi Complete, take 2 now.
  8. A couple hours after dinner take 1-2 servings of Gut Restore with water, plus 2 Probiotics.
  9. An hour before bed: If you’re taking them, this is when to take Body Calm, Relief, Sleep or Eliminate, depending on what you feel you need.

And that’s all! See? Simple.

When there are no more reactions, or no reactions from the above, do Phase Two, which is just the same as Phase One, only with one more Gut Defense at Dinner.


  1. First thing in the morning, with water or coffee (yes, you can have coffee) take two servings of PerfectAmino. If you’re taking Greens you can also take them now.
  2. Breakfast: Healthy proteins and fats, and take 1-2 Digestive Enzymes.
  3. Drink plenty of water. This is also a good time to take Electrolytes.
  4. 20-30 minutes before Lunch take 1 Gut Defense.
  5. Lunch: Healthy proteins and fats, and leafy greens or cruciferous vegetables. And take 1-2 Digestive Enzymes. If you’re taking Multi Complete, take 2 now.
  6. Mid-Afternoon: Drink plenty of water and take one serving of PerfectAmino. If you need an apple, have it now.
  7. 20-30 minutes before Dinner take 1 Gut Defense.
  8. Dinner: Healthy proteins and fats, and leafy greens or cruciferous vegetables. And take 1-2 Digestive Enzymes. If you’re taking Multi Complete, take 2 now.
  9. A couple hours after dinner take 1-2 servings of Gut Restore with water, plus 2 Probiotics.
  10. An hour before bed: If you’re taking them, this is when to take Body Calm, Relief, Sleep or Eliminate, depending on what you feel you need.

And when there are no more reactions, or no reactions from the above, do Phase Three, with one more Gut Defense, now before Breakfast.


  1. First thing in the morning, with water or coffee (yes, you can have coffee) take two servings of PerfectAmino. If you’re taking Greens you can also take them now.
  2. 20-30 minutes before Breakfast take 1 Gut Defense.
  3. Breakfast: Healthy proteins and fats, and take 1-2 Digestive Enzymes.
  4. Drink plenty of water. This is also a good time to take Electrolytes.
  5. 20-30 minutes before Lunch take 1 Gut Defense.
  6. Lunch: Healthy proteins and fats, and leafy greens or cruciferous vegetables. And take 1-2 Digestive Enzymes. If you’re taking Multi Complete, take 2 now.
  7. Mid-Afternoon: Drink plenty of water and take one serving of PerfectAmino. If you need an apple, have it now.
  8. 20-30 minutes before Dinner take 1 Gut Defense.
  9. Dinner: Healthy proteins and fats, and leafy greens or cruciferous vegetables. And take 1-2 Digestive Enzymes. If you’re taking Multi Complete, take 2 now.
  10. A couple hours after dinner take 1-2 servings of Gut Restore with water, plus 2 Probiotics.
  11. An hour before bed: If you’re taking them, this is when to take Body Calm, Relief, Sleep or Eliminate, depending on what you feel you need.


Alright, that’s all. Keep it simple, keep it easy and it will go very nicely.

Now it’s time for you to go shopping and get the food and supplements you need.

Here you can find all the Gut Supplements, along with packages to purchase them at discounts.

Once you're ready, here is the next article in the series: What Causes Sugar Cravings & A Protruding Stomach.

And if you haven't already, make sure you join our PerfectAmino VIP Group, where you can ask all your health & fitness questions.

Index To The Gut Health Guide:

The Autoimmune Series:

  1. What Are Auto-Immune Conditions & How Do They Work
  2. Leaky Gut, Gut Health & Auto-Immune Conditions
  3. How To Address Autoimmune Conditions

The Gut Health Protocol:

  1. The Gut Health Guide & 30-Day Challenge
  2. The Gut Health Protocol
  3. Your Gut Health Schedule
  4. Running Your Gut Health Protocol

Digestion: Acid Reflux, Bloating, Muscle, Fat Loss & More:

  1. What Causes Sugar Cravings & A Protruding Stomach
  2. Why Proper Protein Digestion Is So Important
  3. What Causes Acid Reflux, Heartburn & GERD
  4. How Poor Gut Health Leads To Poor Heart Health

Leaky Gut: SIBO, Toxins, Glyphosate & Gluten:

  1. SIBO & Leaky Gut: A Root Cause Of Poor Health
  2. Glyphosate, Leaky Gut, The Microbiome & Physical Conditions
  3. How Leaky Gut Causes Premature Aging
  4. What Is Gluten Face & Wheat Belly

The Microbiome: Stress, Recovery, Mood & Overall Health:

  1. Depression, Anxiety, Stress & Sleeplessness — The Microbiome
  2. How Toxins Affect The Microbiome & Overall Health

What Is Candida & How Do We Address It?

  1. What Is Candida & How Do We Address It?

How Gut Health Affects Skin Health:

  1. How Poor Gut Health Causes Poor Skin Health

Where To Go From Here:

  1. The Gut Health Protocol: Where To Go From Here

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.