March 10, 2024 7 min read
Here we cover the specific supplements and macronutrient you will be consuming during this protocol and exactly how.
This protocol is meant for significantly increased lean muscle, so the macros may seem high to some.
But it's also meant to be used with the Advanced Workout Regimen, so the macros will be used by our body.
There are three different macronutrient ranges to pick from depending on which Carb to Fat ratio you personally prefer, with notes on each.
There is also an exact way in which you will dial in your macros to ensure you are getting the correct amount for what your body needs.
Let's start.
March 10, 2024 8 min read
Here we cover the exact supplements and macronutrient you will be consuming during this protocol and exactly how.
There are three different macronutrient ranges to pick from, depending on which Carb to Fat ratio you personally prefer, with notes on each.
There is also an exact way in which you will dial in your macros to ensure you are getting enough for what your body needs.
March 10, 2024 8 min read
Here we cover the exact supplements and macronutrient you will be consuming during this protocol and exactly how.
There are three different macronutrient ranges to pick from depending which Carb to Fat ratio you personally prefer, with notes on each.
There is also an exact way in which you will dial in your macros to ensure you are getting enough for what your body needs.
Let's start.
March 10, 2024 4 min read
Welcome to the fully updated Lean Body/Lean Bulk Guide & 30-Day Challenge!
This guide and the accompanying protocol aim to achieve one of a few things, depending on what your goals are.
You may just want to attain a lean, toned and shaped body. An hourglass shape for women or a V-shape for men. This is the Lean Body portion of the protocol.
You may want to build significant lean muscle without adding excess body fat that has to be worked off afterwards through cutting or fasting.
Or you may what to achieve something somewhere in between.
That’s fine. This protocol was designed to be tailored to you — where you are at now and where you want to be — so you can achieve your goals.
But this isn’t just a program where you count calories and workout.
If we want to build lean muscle without the excess body fat of bulking, or attain a lean, toned and shaped body and keep it, we need to do more that.
We need to look at digestion, cravings, recovery, sleep, energy levels, blood flow and hormones.
March 10, 2024 7 min read
March 07, 2024 6 min read
When we look at Lean Bulking, building lean muscle without the excess body fat, we need to look back at what the original body builders did, the golden age body builders.
Because it was very different to what is done now.
And I'm not talking about the 70s or 80s when counting macros and Bulking & Cutting became popular.
We're going earlier.
To the time of Jack LaLanne and the other greats, before egg protein powders, whey powders, creatine, and BCAAs were first introduced.
Back then body builders ate very differently. But very effectively.
March 05, 2024 5 min read
Ask anyone about bulking and cutting and they’ll bring up calories and macronutrients.
“You have to count your calories and macronutrients and make sure that you eat more than you need to build muscle (and body fat) and eat less than you need to burn fat.”
And that’s true… to a degree.
But there’s more to it. And if you just follow the above, you’ll more than likely miss your goals.
Yes, we need to measure the amount of calories to make sure we get enough energy, but not too much. And we need to make sure we get enough protein, fat and carbohydrates so we can build muscle or have energy to power us through the day.
But… which proteins, fats, and carbs? And how do they affect the hormones that will determine how they’re used?
Because it's our hormones that decide how these macronutrients will be used in our body.
Will the carbs and fats be turned into body fat? Or used as energy? Or will they become part of the structure of the body?
It’s our hormones that decide.
Will this protein be used to build muscle? Or will it be turned into sugar or body fat?
Hormones decide.
It’s not how much you eat that decides. It’s which exact food you eat and how that exact food affects your hormones.
February 22, 2024 6 min read
Approximately 1.2 million Americans suffer a heart attack every year. That’s about 1 in 300.
But of those who die each year, about 50% of them have, but ignore, the warning signs that a heart attack may be coming.
In the last article we covered how cardiovascular disease, or heart disease, comes about in the first place.
In this article we go deeper into what happens here, what the aftermath is, what the warning signs are (which can be minutes, hours, days or even weeks beforehand), and what the best prevention is.
This is an important one.
February 20, 2024 8 min read
Cardiovascular Disease, or Heart Disease, is the number one cause of death not just in the US, but in the world.
And, despite spending more on medical treatment for this, per person, than any other country, the US has one of highest rates in the world, higher than most so-called developing countries that don’t have the same money to spend on medical treatment for it.
As of 2019, approximately 7,617 in 100,000 Americans had heart disease. And many more are on the path to it, with this number growing every year.
Compare that to the early 1900s when there was very little heart disease.
(This is actually a created problem, and we’ll get to that.)
But the saddest thing is that while it is, in most cases, preventable (even when we’ve already started on the path to it), the solutions provided only allow us to “manage it” or slow it to a degree. Not reverse or prevent it.
And they don’t even do that very well.
If we want to lower our risk of heart disease, then we need to know the exact factors that do cause it so we can prevent them.
And it starts inside our blood vessels, at a very thin mucous lining that runs all along the inside walls of these blood vessels, protecting them from harm.
February 18, 2024 7 min read
In the last article in the Heart Health Series we covered how consuming cholesterol is not actually the cause of heart disease.
And how lowering cholesterol levels with drugs, to lower high blood pressure, actually increases the risk of heart disease among those 60 and above.
But while the idea that cholesterol intake causes heart disease may be a myth, heart disease itself is quite real.
In this article we’ll dive more into this, covering what high blood pressure is, why and how it occurs, and what’s actually behind it.
February 15, 2024 6 min read
Before we cover what actually causes Heart disease, I want to cover something that doesn’t, or at least not in the way most people think: cholesterol.
You’ve probably heard of the Cholesterol Hypothesis.
This hypothesis states that higher levels of cholesterol, particularly LDL Cholesterol, are associated with higher rates of Heart Disease.
To prevent heart disease then, we take drugs known as statins that lower our liver’s ability to produce cholesterol.
This hypothesis has been so deeply ingrained in our understanding of how the body works, that the idea of challenging it is almost laughable. (Even though it’s still just a hypothesis after all this time.)
However, over the last decade, more and more scientists and doctors have been doing just that, and for one very glaring reason: there is no evidence to support the hypothesis.
Let's see what's happening here.
February 12, 2024 5 min read
Well done on completing the 30 Day Fat Loss Challenge!
This is no small achievement!
And while you may feel and look different on the outside... on the inside things are even more different.
We’ve balanced hormones and repaired or replaced trillions of cells.
We’ve removed fat not only from our fat cells, but from our blood vessels, where it can thicken our blood, causing more work for our heart.
We’ve removed fatty deposits from our organs such as our liver and kidney, where it can make them less efficient or prevent them from doing their job. (Not good.)
We’ve built lean muscle and, at least to a degree, changed our body form.
We’ve improved digestion and the microbiome, the most important gatekeepers for our overall health.
And we've set ourselves up, if we maintain our current lifestyle, for not only sustainable fat loss, but a long and healthy life.
In short… we’ve done a lot!
But what do we do now?
Are we done? Are we not done? Is there something else to help lose those last stubborn bits for the lean toned body we want?
Let's see.
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