Biohacking Kidney and Liver Disease

November 05, 2021 6 min read

Person paddle boarding on a calm river with light fog in the distance.

How a single supplement can revolutionize treatments, lower expenses, and transform diets.

Roughly one-third of Americans are on the verge of protein toxicity. 

It’s hard to believe –– after all, we’re in the glory days of the ketogenic diet. We have multi-million dollar brands touting the benefits of all-meat diets.

How could protein be a problem? 

But the statistics say something different... 

Disturbing Numbers For Protein Lovers

According to the CDC, 37 million people in the US have chronic kidney disease. And 90% of them don’t even know it. Kidney disease creates protein toxicity.

An estimated 100 million Americans live with impaired liver function and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease [1]. And since the year 2000, deaths from liver cirrhosis have gone up a shocking 19.5% [2]. 

The liver is critical for processing the toxic byproducts of protein metabolism. 

The Toxic Byproducts of Protein Metabolism

Protein is a long chain of hundreds or even thousands of amino acids. What most people don’t know is that your body uses less than half of the protein you consume to build new proteins in the body.

Your body turns up to 68%*, on average, of dietary protein you eat into carbohydrates and uses them for energy.

Scientists measure this with something called the Amino Acid Utilization, or AAU. This metric looks at how much protein was consumed and how much nitrogen is in the urine. The difference tells you what percentage of a protein is used by the body.

New PA Guide Protien Utilization Chart


As you can see from the chart, the AAU of different proteins vary greatly. In the stat I reference above, I'm referring to meat, fish, and poultry. Eggs have a better utilization rate, but plant based protein and protein from common powders are far less utilized. 

This is where toxicity comes in. 

This conversion of amino acids into carbohydrates creates highly toxic byproducts.

An amino acid has two important chemical groups, an amino group with nitrogen and a carboxylic acid group with carbon and oxygen. (don’t worry about the R-group right now)

That’s why they are called amino acids. 

When an amino acid is processed into a carbohydrate, enzymes chop off the amino group.

This creates a toxic byproduct: N3+ aka ammonia. That’s right, eating protein creates ammonia in your body

And just in case you need a reminder, ammonia is a toxic poison. 

Your body has complex processes in both the kidneys and liver to help process and safely remove the toxic ammonia from your body.

But when these organs are damaged or diseased, the detox process doesn’t work, or it doesn’t work as well as it should. The result is major problems with protein consumption: protein toxicity.

Ammonia Toxicity in Liver Disease

The liver’s job here is to take the toxic nitrogen and put it into a form that your body can safely get rid of. 

This is urea. 

(Side note: The urea content is why we call pee “urine”. And the nitrogen in the urea is why urine smells similar to ammonia.)

But when your liver is compromised by disease or infection like hepatitis C, poor lifestyle choices, or excess alcohol, you will have problems processing all the nitrogen into urea. 

This means dietary protein can create toxic ammonia build-up in your body.

Toxic Effects of Protein in Kidney Disease

With kidney disease, you have a similar problem with nitrogen toxicity. 

Only in this case, it comes from urea, not ammonia. 

Usually, after the liver converts the ammonia into urea, the liver secretes the urea into the blood. The blood eventually passes through the kidneys where it is filtered out into urine and eliminated.

But with kidney disease, your body’s ability to eliminate the urea through urine is compromised. So the urea builds up in your system and creates virtually the same protein toxicity problems as liver disease. 

So what can we do about it?

How Doctors’ Normal Solutions Create MORE Problems

Most of the time doctors prescribe a very low-protein diet to help manage the protein toxicity problem. 

This eases the burden on the liver and kidneys, but it also creates a whole new set of problems.

Without adequate protein, the body can’t maintain health, because the body needs protein. People begin to get immune system deficiencies. Their skin starts to break down. Their blood breaks down and they become anemic, they get sick too often, hair, skin, bone, and nails become weak and brittle, fatigue sets in and body structures and systems become compromised.

When the kidneys are so bad a patient is on dialysis, the blood gets forced through tubes, which breaks down their blood cells even faster and makes the anemia problems even worse. 

At this point, many patients require blood transfusions because their bodies can’t keep up with the demand for blood. 

But the thing is, all of these problems come from the inefficiencies in processing dietary protein and the resulting protein deficiencies. 

And this points the way to a breakthrough for patients with impaired livers and kidneys.

The Perfect Solution for Protein Toxicity

If a patient can switch to a protein source, that doesn’t create nitrogen waste, with 99% efficiency, all of the problems with protein deficiency, anemia, skin breakdown, blood breakdown and immune deficiency disappear. 

And that’s exactly what we find with PerfectAmino

PerfectAmino is specially designed to create virtually zero nitrogen waste in the body. 99% of every gram consumed goes directly to building new protein in the body.

Proteins like antibodies for the immune system, hemoglobin for red blood cells, and collagen for the skin. 

This means that even though a patient may still have kidney disease or liver disease, they can avoid the long-term side effects that destroy the body’s health with this revolutionary dietary supplement. 

How One Supplement Lowered Medical Costs 30%

In one clinical study, researchers looked at patients who were getting dialysis three times per week. 

Then, they substituted all the patients’ dietary protein with PerfectAmino

The clinicians monitored the Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) carefully, only putting the patient on dialysis when it reached unsafe levels.

Their conclusions were astonishing for the patients. They only needed to go on dialysis twice a week instead of three times.

That’s 30% fewer treatments! 

Not only is that easier on the patient’s life –– dialysis is not a fun process for anybody –– it’s a massive reduction in treatment cost. 

Considering that the daily dose of Perfect Amino cost less than $1.35, this is a no brainer for anyone struggling with kidney or liver problems. 

In my own practice, I’ve found that patients can take 20-30 grams of Perfect Amino without elevating their BUN.

How to Spot Problems Early

Part of the problem with this is that many people with kidney and liver impairments are asymptomatic –– for now. They are not aware of the problem, so they take no precautionary measures to get it under control.

Fortunately, the tests to determine if you are at risk are very easy and very cheap. 

You can get a complete metabolic profile from your physician or a 3rd party testing company that has many liver and kidney tests, including Blood Urea Nitrogen. 

This will give you a reliable measure of your kidney and liver health without much out of pocket expense.

If something appears out of the ordinary, you should consult a specialist. 

New Hope for Patients With Kidney and Liver Disease 

Taking PerfectAmino as a protein substitute for patients with kidney and liver disease is perhaps one of the most life-changing ways to use this versatile supplement. 

Kidney and liver diseases pose a huge problem for many patients because of the limitations it puts on their dietary protein. 

The lack of protein creates even more problems for their fragile health. 

Fortunately, with PerfectAmino's 99% efficiency and ZERO nitrogen waste there is hope. 

Patients can supply their body with the essential amino acids their body needs, potentially decreasing the intensity and the cost of their treatments, and improving their health as they pursue recovery.

If you or someone you know has kidney or liver disease, this could be a game-changer. 

Click here to order your supply TODAY!

If you have a serious medical problem, be sure to ask your physician about adding PerfectAmino into your diet.



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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.