Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance (And Athletic Injuries)

March 28, 2018 2 min read

Being athletic comes at a cost. Of course, the benefits of an athletic lifestyle far outweigh the risks; the risks are real yet can be minimized and possibly eliminated. Athletes push their bodies fast, hard and continually for long periods. Some extreme athletes push even harder constantly testing limitations.

Creating a prevention plan for yourself is a crucial step in limiting the chances of injury to your body. Here are some key steps you will want to take as part of your injury prevention program.

  1. Adopt a 1-Off plan. Take 1 day off a week from training and 1 week (or month) a year. This break will allow your body additional time to recover and heal.
  2. Have the right tools. Wear the right gear, have proper safety equipment, have clothes/outfits that fit properly. Where recommended be sure to protect yourself with helmets, pads, goggles, etc...
  3. Condition. If your going to condition your hair, don't stop there. Your body needs conditioning too. Your plan should include steps to strengthen muscles.
  4. Be Flexible. Having a flexible attitude helps, but we're talking about skeletal flexibility. Adopting flexibility training into your routine alone can make a huge difference. Stretching, yoga, proper breathing, massage. Flexibility training should be a frequent activity.
  5. Technique. If you are not #1 in your field, there is someone you can learn from and room for improvement. Study the experts in your field and attempt duplication of technique, hire a coach, take a class, buy a book, join a group, etc... Poor form and improper technique alone are major contributors to athletic injuries.
  6. Play Safe. Whatever your activity, be sure to follow any and all safety rules or procedures for that activity and should be strictly adhered to.
  7. Pain=STOP!. If your well being is off, consider skipping that day and taking the additional time to rest and heal. This goes for being injured and in pain as well as simply feeling sick. Your body needs all the resources it can muster to accelerate your healing.
  8. Water. Yes, water. Maintaining a proper level of hydration is a key to prevention and essential to healing when needed.
  9. Supplemental Coverage. We aren't talking about insurance here. We are referring to nutritional supplements. Ensuring your intake of nutrients is sufficient for your body to have all the raw material it requires to heal, maintain proper health and support growth is essential.
  10. Mental Fortitude. A healthy body starts with a healthy mind. The pressure to win and increase performance is one of the most important aspects of sports. Consider adopting some type of personal development as part of your routine to have a rock solid foundation of safety.

Above all, have fun. Adhere to a program that protects your body but be sure not to be too significant about it. The main goal should be to have fun and to do it in a way that enables you to spend a lot more time enjoying and a lot less time hurting.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.