Processed Foods Are Behind Rising Obesity Rates

January 04, 2023 3 min read

If you ever felt alone in your struggle to lose fat and keep it off — you’re not.

There's a reason fat loss programs in America are a $72 billion per year industry.

In the past forty-plus years, the percentage of obese Americans have increased from slightly less than 10% to more than 40%, according to the CDC.

But this isn’t due to laziness or lack of discipline on our part. No. We have modern foods to blame for this.

Our diets have changed drastically in the past few decades, both in the type of foods we eat, and the amount of processing these foods now undergo.

But even more drastic is how they affect our hormones — the chemicals in our body that decide whether or not to create fat, burn fat, or hold onto fat.

If we purely follow the “calorie counting” method, then fat loss is a simple matter of cutting calories. (A calorie is just a measurement of the amount of energy in food, and we measure this because your body uses this food for energy.)

The idea here is that if you eat more calories (energy) than your body needs, it will turn the extra calories into fat (stored energy).

And, if you eat less calories than your body needs, it will cause your body to burn fat to release energy, so you’ll lose fat.

This is completely true. Every pound of fat on your body contains about 3,500 calories — a couple of full meals for most people.

So, if you have extra fat on your body, and you cut down your calories to be less than your body’s daily energy needs, your body should be forced to burn calories from the fat. So we have fat loss.

The only problem here is the word “should”. It should do this, but that isn’t always the case.

This is because, while the extra fat is from calories you ate, it’s your hormones that decide whether or not to burn that fat.

Hormones direct everything regarding fat creation and fat loss.

It’s hormones that tell your cells to turn calories into fat, and it’s hormones that will say to burn that body fat for energy… if they decide to.

Hormones could just as easily decide not to burn the body fat — even when youre starving yourself by cutting calories.

And, if they do let you burn body fat, other hormones can keep you feeling starving, even when you’re not, so that you give in and gain it all right back again.

That's why many people struggle to lose excess body fat they don’t want, or keep it off after they have.

It’s not just about calories, but about the hormones that decide what to do with those calories.

When our hormones are in balance and functioning, we have no problem losing fat quickly and keeping it off.

We don’t experience cravings for junk food.

When we’re hungry we eat, and when we’ve eaten enough, we don’t feel hungry anymore.

It’s simple, and that’s how it should be.

The problem is our modern foods throwing our hormones out of balance so that our body can’t operate as it’s supposed to.

When we correct the foods we consume and balance the hormones, we have a body that naturally loses fat when it has extra weight, and a body that is hungry when it needs food and not hungry when it doesn’t.

In short, we have a healthy body.

And that’s what I want for you.

So make sure you watch out for the newly updated Fat Loss Guide about to release.

Not only will you lose the fat you want gone and keep it off, you’ll learn how to balance your hormones, increase energy levels, and drastically improve your overall health.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.