PerfectAmino Uptake and Bioavailability, Plasma Test and Lab Results

September 25, 2019 4 min read


This study examines the effect of PerfectAmino on the plasma amino acid levels in 5 patients at an Integrative Medical Clinic in Clearwater, FL. Fasting levels of essential serum amino acids and glucose were taken, and then 10 grams of PerfectAmino were fed with repeat serum levels of amino acids and glucose taken at an average of 41 minutes and 103 minutes afterward. The data showed that in every case blood levels of essential amino acids increased significantly from fasting levels with no increase in glucose levels. Additionally, levels of conditionally essential amino acids, (Arginine and Histidine), had increases as well, demonstrating that with PerfectAmino both conditionally essential amino acids can be produced by the body when PerfectAmino is fed. We conclude that PerfectAmino in both tablet and powder form are well absorbed after oral feeding and have no significant effect on blood glucose levels.


The goal was to determine A) whether or not the amino acids in the PerfectAmino were absorbable into the bloodstream within the purported short time period with both the tablet and powdered form, B) if the patient’s glucose levels were impacted, which would thereby adversely affect those with diabetes or on ketogenic diets and C) does this blend of essential amino acids give the body what it needs to produce the other two so called “conditionally essential” amino acids Arginine and Histidine.

PerfectAmino Tablets and Powder

Case Presentation

The question of the utilization and assimilation of PerfectAmino was taken up with this study. Do the tablets break down in the stomach and upper GI tract and assimilate into the bloodstream quickly? Or do they stay solid and pass through into the lower intestinal tract? Does the powdered form assimilate faster? Can these amino acid blood levels be sustained allowing for the amino acids to be utilized for protein synthesis? Additionally, is the body able to produce the other two essential amino acids, without consuming them directly? And lastly, is there any impact on glucose levels.

Starting on January 9, 2019, 5 patients (3 female and 2 male) arrived for the study in a fasting state and their blood was drawn for baseline levels of serum amino acids and blood glucose. They then consumed 10 tablets of PerfectAmino with a glass of water.

Key Stats:

Average increases:

  • 41 minute essential amino acid increase 114%
  • 103 minute essential amino acid increase 71%

Glucose levels:

  • 41 minute glucose increase 1.5%
  • 103 minute glucose increase -1%

Average age of participants: 33 years old

Over base figures

After an average of 38 minutes and then 96 minutes, blood was drawn again, to determine serum levels of amino acids and glucose.

Then on January 10th, the same 5 patients had the same fasting blood draw, after which they consumed 2 scoops of PerfectAminoXP powder (equivalent to 10 tablets). Then after averages of 41 and 103 minutes, their blood was drawn again.

PerfectAmino Case Study Lab Results

The results in both cases showed that the blood levels of essential amino acids increased within the first 41 minutes and were sustained through and beyond the second test, up to 110 minutes later.

In the case of PerfectAminoXP powder, the 41-minute increase of amino acid levels was at an average of 159%. PerfectAmino tablets showed an increase of 69%, showing faster assimilation into the bloodstream of the powder. In the case of the tablets, the sustained increases after 103 minutes were 77%. The powder had a 66% increase in amino acids in the bloodstream after 103 minutes. Both had similar long term effect on the amino levels, with the main difference being that the tablets had slightly more of a time-release effect.

Histidine and Arginine

Both of these are considered conditionally essential amino acids for young children and the elderly and may not naturally be produced by the body. In this study, there were increases of up to 15% in Histidine and 111% in Arginine, despite the fact that the blood draws were in a fasting state and that neither of these amino acids are present in the PerfectAmino tablets or PerfectAminoXP powder.

Glucose Molecule


When a protein or amino acids follow the catabolic pathway in the body, they turn in to carbohydrates and sugars and can increase glucose levels, which can have a negative effect on diabetes or those trying to achieve nutritional ketosis. In this case study, there was actually a decrease in the glucose levels, showing definitively that neither PerfectAmino tablets nor PerfectAminoXP powder cause an increase in blood sugar, and thereby can be considered an effective protein source without blood sugar increases or breaking of ketosis, making it “keto friendly.”


In each of these cases, it was evident that the levels of essential amino acids in their blood (including the two that were not present in PerfectAmino) increased significantly and were sustained for the bodies use in protein synthesis. There was evidence that PerfectAmino is as claimed, 99% anabolic and acted as precursors for protein synthesis, and less than 1% of the amino acids were catabolized to produce glucose. While the powder form assimilated more rapidly both it and the tablet form had similar levels of bioavailability. We conclude that PerfectAmino in either powder form or tablet form is the most utilizable amino acid source for protein synthesis and should be a daily supplement for any person wanting optimal body function and health regardless of body age, sex, or activity level.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.