The Role Nitric Oxide Plays in Exhaustion and Fatigue

February 26, 2020 4 min read

Do you find yourself tired and exhausted, no matter how many hours of sleep you get?

If you wake up feeling exhausted and not fully alive until you’ve had your daily dose of coffee, your body is sending you a message: it’s missing the nourishment it needs to perform.

The lack of energy, sluggish feeling, and inability to enjoy life to the fullest often exists as a result of your body trying to function without critical nutrients.

Imagine trying to run your car with low-grade fuel that only burns at 20% efficiency. Are you going to be driving at top speed?

Well, that’s what happens when your body doesn’t have what it needs to perform.

To perform at your best, blood flow must be optimized to ensure your blood is carrying all the nutrients it takes in to the organs that need it most. Nearly every cell in the body creates nitric oxide in order to relax the walls of blood vessels, which makes it possible for more blood to flow.

A feeling of exhaustion, as well as minor fatigue, can be caused by a lack of blood flow. In such instances, it’s best to get out, take a walk, stretch, or take a supplement that can help to open up the blood flow and circulation.

Nitric Oxide: The Key to Unlocking Your Energy Potential

Healthy blood circulation is a fundamental function within the body. Nitric oxide regulates cell life and death, relaxes and widens blood vessels to increase circulation, triggers the body’s immune response, combats inflammation, and transports vital nutrients throughout the body. [1]

Scientifically speaking, nitric oxide is a critical component in your body’s ability to metabolize food and produce sustained energy.

Sound important? It is. It can be the key to increasing and sustaining energy levels.

How to Sustain Energy

Most people immediately think of an easy solution to sustained energy - more coffee. The caffeine is a stimulant and can “get you going” but it’s not without its drawbacks. Coffee can overstimulate your brain, increase heart rate, increase the risk of osteoporosis, and can even cause heartburn.

Rather than relying on caffeine for a boost to get you through the day, why not give your body a natural, effective source of sustained energy? Why not take a supplement that doesn’t have side effects and won’t throw your sleep cycle out of balance or tax your adrenal glands?

If you are ready to strengthen your immune system, experience increased levels of clean, natural energy, improve your digestion and increase mental clarity, give Perfect Reds a try.

Formulated specifically to increase nitric oxide production, Perfect Reds combines BodyHealth’s proprietary blends of fruits, vegetables, antioxidants and digestive enzymes.

Together, these perfect blends support your body and improve blood flow, delivering more nutrients, vitamins and minerals to the organs that need them. This helps to drive your body further, with more energy and sustain that energy throughout the day.

Perfectly Blended Ingredients for Increased Blood Flow

BodyHealth Reds Organic Phytonutrient Superfood formula | Boost nitric oxide, antioxidants, reduce inflammation

Reds Enhanced with PerfectAmino was developed to close the gap that is caused in the workaday world - one that affects millions of people daily - lack of blood flow.

This problem can create problems for those that sit at desks, those that cannot get about, and those that simply don’t have the time to stretch every 15 minutes.

Even professional athletes can benefit from Perfect Reds by getting a natural boost of nitric oxide production.

But what makes Perfect Reds work? It’s the perfectly balanced, organic ingredients. Take a look:

Perfect Fruit & Vegetable Blend

A carefully selected combination of extracts from organic apples, blackcurrant, strawberry, raspberry, lemon, kale, broccoli, carrot, spinach, green cabbage, parsley, and tomato supplements the crucial nutrients that can be difficult to get each day in today’s fast food world.

Perfect Antioxidant & Immune Blend

Careful research revealed key nutrients your body needs to produce nitric oxide, antioxidants, and support your immune system. Our Perfect Antioxidant & Immune Blend consists of a unique combination of organic ingredients that includes grapeskin, acerola cherry extract, grapeseed extract, beetroot, red reishi mushroom, acai berry, elderberry, pomegranate, turmeric, and whole grape resveratrol extract.

Perfect Digestion Blend

A final crucial element for ideal energy is proper digestion. Our Perfect Digestion Blend contains a careful selection of ingredients known to aid your body in breaking down food into smaller and more “burnable” parts for efficient fuel. This vital component includes organic prebiotic vegetable fiber, organic acacia fiber, and a complete digestive enzyme blend of Amylase, Protease, Lipase, Cellulase, and Lactase.

Make Your Workout Count with Perfect Reds

If you are dedicated to tough workouts, you want to get the most out of the time and energy you expend. With Reds Enhanced with PerfectAmino, your blood flow is increased by higher levels of nitric oxide production, and your muscles respond. As the blood flow ramps up, more oxygen and nutrients are delivered, increasing performance and speeding recovery. Reds Enhanced with PerfectAmino will help you get the most out of your workout by:

  • Improving your natural energy level
  • Gaining extra bursts of speed and enhance endurance
  • Reducing recovery time

Whether you are a weekend warrior, a dedicated pro, a yoga fan, a runner, or regularly exercise because you know you should, the increase in nitric oxide triggered by the custom blend of phytonutrients in Perfect Reds will give you an edge.

Our formula contains only the highest quality organic extracts, with every critical biological complex left in its purest, natural state, for ultimate bioavailability. No junk, no fillers, just the real deal.


  1. Van, G. (2018).5 Ways Nitric Oxide Supplements Boost Your Health and Performance. [online] Healthline. Available at: [Accessed 26 Feb. 2020].

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.