July 25, 2016 2 min read
According to theU.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), more than three out of every five adults in the United States are overweight. Incredibly, more than one out of every three adults are also obese. The CDC expects that the average medical cost due to obesity, alone, in the U.S. will be upwards of $147 billion dollars every year.
When you’re juggling work, kids, cleaning the house, doing errands and everything else on your list, making it to the gym can easily fall lower and lower in priority. However, studies have shown that even small amounts of exercise can be vitally beneficial to your health.
According to theMayo ClinicandPsychology Today, small amounts of exercise can reap huge rewards. The government recommends roughly an hour of aerobic exercise every day, and it doesn’t have to be all at once. Even30 minuteswhere your heart rate is elevated above normal will have a positive benefit on your health.
If you don’t have enough time to dedicate an hour at the gym before or after work, there are some easy ways you can sneak some exercise into your routine at lunch or perhaps while you’re waiting for the kids at soccer practice.
An easy way to slip in some low-impact exercise is to make walking a part of your routine. Taking amorning walk at a brisk pacewill get your blood flowing, immediately boosting your energy levels, giving you a dose of endorphins, getting you ready for the day.
Unlike a morning run, a brisk walk is attainable and enjoyable no matter if you were up all night with a screaming baby or running over your notes for an important business meeting. You can also add walking to other aspects of your day by taking a walk around the block at lunch, taking the stairs at work or even walking to the office in the morning.
There’s a reason pro athletes routinely includejump rope in their workout regimen. It is one of the most demanding and cardio-intensive exercises you can do while also promoting strength, power, stamina, and footwork.
Many modern offices have begun to adopt stability balls as an alternative option to a chair. Switching your desk chair out for a stability ball forces you to keep your balance while you work,activating your core muscles and increasing calorie burnwhile at rest.
"Between work, school, parenthood, and so much more, fitting a workout in can be difficult and expensive. Looking for an alternative to a gym membership? These are some of the most important (and sometimes hidden) benefits of streaming your next workout." From Reviews.com
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