End of Challenge: Where To Go From Here

February 13, 2023 3 min read

Well done on completing the 30 Day Fat Loss Challenge!

This is no small achievement!

And while you may feel and look different on the outside, on the inside… things are even more different.

We’ve balanced hormones and repaired or replaced at least a trillion or so cells, if not 10 or 20 trillion.

Yes, really.

We’ve removed fatty deposits not only from our fat cells, but from our blood vessels, where it can narrow blood flow, causing more work for our heart.

We’ve removed fatty deposits from our organs, where it can make them less efficient or prevent them from doing their job. (Not good.)

And we’ve improved digestion and the microbiome, the most important gatekeepers for our overall health.

In short… we’ve done a lot!

But what do we do now?

Are we done? Are we not done? Is there something else?

Well, the first thing to do, if you haven’t already, is take measurements around your waist, and pictures, to compare to our beginning measurements and pictures.

This is where we see can see the difference.

Remember, your weight may have gone down. Or it may not have. It may have even gone up.

It doesn’t matter.

Did you lose inches? Then you lost body fat and improved your health. And if you gained weight, that means you added muscle that you need along the way.

So take those measurements!

And make sure to share in the VIP Group!

Alright, now where do we go from here?


Everyone started this challenge at a different place. And no one will be finishing at the same place.

For many we may have lost body fat, but also have more to go still, or more we’d like to lose.

Well, let’s differentiate here. Do we have a little bit more and it’s stubborn? Or have we done well, but there’s really just more to go and it’s still coming off?

These are two different situations.

If you you know you have more to go, and it is still coming off relatively easy as you go along, then just continue, you’re doing great!

However, I wouldn’t recommend changing your macros, even if you have lost weight.

Keep the same macros that you started with and just keep going.

You are adding muscle as well, remember, and the more you add, the more needs to be fed.

In the case, cutting your macros just because you lost weight, won’t help. It will actually harm you to a degree as the muscle won’t have enough of what it needs to repair itself after your workouts or keep itself fueled.

So just keep going on your starting macros as you have been.

Then, when you get to the point where you start feeling hungry, not just a tiny bit now and then, but, “Oh, I’m hungry. I need food now.” At that point it’s time to re-evaluate.

You won’t have felt hungry like that for some time now, and most likely fat loss has slowed when this starts.

In that case, it’s time to look at what’s next.


We know from the article When Fat Loss Starts To Slow that when we’ve lost most of the body fat we wanted to lose, and we’re feeling actual hunger now, and fat loss has slowed or stopped… it’s time to move onto the next phase of the protocol in order to keep making gains.

It’s time to Transition from Fat Loss to Lean Bulking.

Because Lean Bulking isn’t just about adding Lean Muscle without the excess fat.

It’s also where you lose the last bits of stubborn body fat you want to get rid of (to a healthy level), by adding lean muscle.

This lean muscle helps to burn the excess fat and also helps to shape and tone your body.

You’re going to love it!

Oh. And we have even more guides coming…

Think Gut Health, Metal & Chemical Detoxing, Longevity, Stress, Heart Health, and more.

Much more.

And sooner than you know!

It's time to prepare.

So make sure to lock in your subscriptions now at the lowest rates we’ve ever offered (And for a very limited time.)

Just go HERE.

And if you need any assistance, or have any questions, reach out to us in our VIP Group where we'll help however we can.

We'll see you there!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.