The American Diet is Wreaking Havoc on Our Hormones

October 08, 2021 4 min read

Obesity rates have quadrupled in America since these changes in our food sources took place, along with Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease, Energy Levels, Eating & Mood Disorders, and a host of other issues.

Our diets have changed drastically in the last fifty years, from the types of foods we eat, but much more from the amount of processing these foods now undergo, changing them on a molecular level into something our bodies barely recognize.

And these changes have had no small effect. Obesity rates have quadrupled in America since these changes in our food sources took place, along with Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease, Energy Levels, Eating & Mood Disorders, and a host of other issues.

And it's these changes that have affected our ability to lose fat and gain muscle, in many ways actively preventing the loss of fat.

This is because of how these foods affect our hormones.

Hormones are messenger chemicals in the body. They pass messages to our cells instructing them on how to use the food we eat — what to do with it.

They say whether to burn fat or store fat, whether to build muscle or break it down, whether to raise energy levels or lower them.

They even control your cravings, influence your mood and allow you to sleep or not.

When our hormones are in balance, we have no problems gaining muscle or losing fat and our energy levels and mood are high.

But when they’re off, it’s not that our cells aren’t receiving instructions to burn fat. It’s that they’re receiving instructions not to.

They’re actively being told to store fat.

I mean, if we cut calories and go for a run we should lose fat, right?

Not if your hormones don’t say to.

Instead, they may say: “Oh, this person is cutting calories and trying to go for a run. Well, let’s lower energy levels to meet the calories coming in and make this person too tired to run — and keep the body fat.”

That’s what the hormone cortisol can tell your cells to do.

Or it can tell your body to break down muscle and use that for energy instead of body fat or even instead of carbs.

When our hormones are off, we can eat until we’re stuffed and still feel hungry, go running for two hours and not lose any fat, spend hours in the gym while making little gains, have low energy most of the day, and much, much more.

Body fat is just stored energy from our food that wasn’t used. If we have extra body fat it’s because we ate more than our body needed — because our hunger hormones told us to, or because hormones were telling our cells to store it as fat instead of using it as energy.

That’s all.

Why do we still feel hungry if our body doesn’t need more food?

Because of the hormones that control hunger and cravings told you to eat more. They made you feel like you still needed more food, even when you didn’t.

Why is it so hard to lose fat once we’ve gained it?

Because of the hormones that tell our body to keep the fat.

Why are we irritated or anxious or depressed even when we have no reason to be? Why is it harder to fall asleep or get good rest?

Because of the hormones that make us feel stressed and don’t allow us to go to sleep.

Our current food sources cause too much production of certain hormones and too little of others.

That's all.

We need to fix these hormones and get them working how they’re supposed to.

And you’d be surprised how easy things become once we do, and how quickly this can occur.

When our hormones are off, we can eat until we’re stuffed and still feel hungry, go running for two hours and not lose any fat, spend hours in the gym while making little gains, have low energy most of the day or be in a bad mood for no reason.

You don’t need to go through hell to build the lean, muscled physique you love.

You can build lean muscle without all the excess fat — and do so naturally.

You can lose excess fat without losing muscle and keep it off — all without going through a mid-life crisis each time.

You can have high energy levels.

You can feel less anxious or irritable, even when life calls for anxiety or irritability.

You can live a long and healthy life.

And you can do it all naturally.

Just not with your current, incredibly-cheap-to-produce protein powders, energy drinks, and highly processed and packaged foods.

These are the things that cause your body and your daily life trouble.

And they can be fixed.

The PerfectAmino Guide to Fat Loss & Lean Bulking

Download the PerfectAmino Guide to Fat Loss & Lean Bulking… and raising energy, and raising mood, and lowering blood pressure, and increasing health, and…

It’s very in-depth and covers a lot.

And it’s FREE.

We want you to do the very best that you can, so we packed it with as much information as we could, while trying to make it as easy to digest as possible.

Different people will spot different things in it that can improve their life and overall health.

Let’s see what you spot, and how much better we can help you make your life.

Because that’s all we really care about in the end.

Get your copy HERE.

You can find some Fat Loss & Lean Bulk Packages we put together HERE.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.