The 30-Day Fat Loss Challenge

January 07, 2023 2 min read

Welcome to the 30 Day Fat Loss Challenge!

The first time I wrote this guide, I was asked to cover all of the information — every piece of the puzzle I could, so I did.

Those who read all of it were able to fully understand the protocol and achieve the full results, in some cases losing as much as 15 pounds in 30 days.

They weren’t hungry, they had higher energy levels, they felt better mentally, and they were much healthier overall. Plus, they kept the weight off.

Knowing what you are addressing, why you are doing what you are doing, and what is happening within your body at different stages is KEY.

It gets you results and puts you in control of your health for the long term.

This new edition is cut into four sections that run parallel to what you will be doing and experiencing during each week of the program.

In each one you will study key information you need for that week and then get started right away.

Then there is additional information for that week that expands on what you already read, and you can just study this as you go along if you choose to.

This format will then continue through weeks two, three, and four.

This way you’ll be able to get started right away, while also getting the information you need for long term success, and by the end of this 30-day protocol:

  • You will no longer have sugar cravings (or they’ll be almost gone).
  • You will have lost inches of body fat.
  • Your hormones will be balanced, or well on the way to being so.
  • Your mood and energy levels will be much higher.
  • Your muscle tone will have improved markedly.
  • And... you won't be gaining it all back afterwards

But even more importantly, at least for me, you’ll now understand yourself much more and you will be in control of your health.

So let’s get started.

We’re going to cover some key data for week one, so you understand exactly what we’re doing and why, and then we’ll jump right into the protocol so you have time to prepare.

Go here for WEEK ONE.

Here you can find Discounted Product Bundles for the 30 Day Challenge. Just use code FATLOSS at Checkout.

And if you have any questions, make sure to join our VIP Group where you can ask any question you have and get only the best answers.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.