Warning If You Take Acid Blockers, Acid Reducers, Antacids, H2 Receptor Blockers, etc...

March 27, 2019 3 min read

Do you take common acid blockers like Prilosec, Nexium, Prevacid, Zantac, Pepcid, Etc...?

STOP IMMEDIATELY and consult your Physician about the following things you NEED to be concerned about.

"Contrary to popular belief, acid reflux, indigestion GERD and other conditions are NOT a result of excess stomach acid. Having too much stomach acid is actually an extremely rare phenomenon."

Problems with acid blockers and similar products (Including PPIs, and includes all OTC and Rx formulations):

  1. Contrary to popular belief, acid reflux, indigestion, GERD and other conditions are NOT a result of excess stomach acid. Having too much stomach acid is actually an extremely rare phenomenon.

  2. Most users don't follow the usage instructions and or safety precautions. Most users don't understand these products do not treat any underlying condition that may be happening in the body.

  3. Research has shown that acid blockers are highly addictive. After six weeks of use, people get a rebound hyper acid secretion when they try to stop taking them. This "Niagara Falls" of acid flow causes many people to dangerously choose to resume using the acid blockers and continue them long term.

  4. Long term use has grave consequences. Product warnings for all these products are limited to short term use and it's NOT just for manufacturers to cover themselves.

  5. Your doctor may not even tell you the grave side effects of these products or instruct you in proper use.

  6. Contrary to popular belief, many digestive problems like heartburn, reflux, and GERD are caused by too little stomach acid, esophageal damage and other digestive issues unrelated to the amount of acid you have. A higher stomach pH (less acidic) supports several negative consequences for your digestion.

  7. They weaken the valve between the stomach and esophagus, which then allows gastric juices into the throat.

  8. Hydrochloric acid is critical to extracting important vitamins and minerals from your food – vitamin B12, folate, vitamin C, magnesium, and zinc, just to name a few. Without the acid, your body cannot extract the potential nutrition available, regardless of how much you eat.

  9. They deactivate the digestive enzymes you need to get nutrition from your food. With high pH over time, your body will actually stop making these important enzymes resulting in long term nutritional deficiencies.

  10. They create imbalances in your gut microbiome, leading to even more negative health consequences.

  11. Heartburn medication is only a bandage, a quick fix. We need to go to the root of why the body is creating this condition. A heartburn medication is a synthetic drug to stop the stomach acid, but the stomach needs acid to protect itself.

  12. Continued use may lead to arthritis & osteoporosis and other muscular/skeletal issues.

  13. Acid reflux drugs may increase risk of stomach cancer, according to a recent study [1]. It's the fifth most common cancer and the third leading cause of cancer death.

  14. Those with GERD do themselves great harm, research now shows GERD is a result of inflammation, it's an immune reaction and taking acid blockers greatly compounds this underlying issue as acid blockers cause inflammation.

  15. Studies have shown prolonged use leads to increased risk of contracting an intestinal infection caused by clostridium difficile bacteria.

  16. As pointed out in #13, they cause inflammation. Acid blockers may be contributing to the explosion of inflammatory diseases we are afflicted with in the US as well as the resulting opioid epidemic.

"Medicating the issue away with these products will not work as none of them "treat" a condition, they only mask the symptoms."

Here are a few tips to get you pointed in the right direction on this issue:

  • Already on something doctor prescribed or are you taking these self-prescribed? Get with your physician ASAP and ask to be fully informed on the product's impact, side effects and alternatives.

  • Is your doctor telling you these are safe? Get a second opinion. Remember iatrogenic illness (illnesses caused by bad medical advice from a doctor is the third leading cause of death in the US.)

The solution: Acid reflux, GERD, indigestion and all similar associated conditions are generally related to poor lifestyle and dietary choices. Medicating the issue away will not work as none of them "treat" a condition, they only mask the symptoms. These issues can be treated with diet, exercise and healthy supplementation, including products that contain Betaine Hydrochloride, Pancreatin, and Pepsin.

For more information click here to learn more about the three key digestive supporting ingredients.


  1. Waldum HL, et al. "Proton Pump Inhibitors (Ppis) May Cause Gastric Cancer - Clinical Consequences. - Pubmed - NCBI." Ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. N. p., 2019. Web. 13 Mar. 2019.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.