Hydrogen Water & The Most Damaging Molecule In Our Body

August 29, 2024 3 min read

Hydrogen Water & The Most Damaging Molecule In Our Body

You've heard a lot about hydrogen water and how good it is for you. But why, what does it do? Why is it so important for overall health?

In this article we spoke about what free radicals are, how they occur, how they affect our aging, stress levels, energy levels, hormones, skin, and much more.

And in this article we spoke about what oxidative stress is, when free radicals reach a tipping point, causing gradual destruction throughout our body over time.

This causes high stress levels, both physically and mentally, poor sleep and recovery, lowered energy and mental focus, lowered health, and reduced longevity over time.

But there's one free radical that's worse than any other, and which not only causes more harm faster, but which even causes the creation of new free radicals in a chain reaction of destruction in our body.

These are called hydroxyl radicals. And they speed aging and the development of many other conditions more than anything else.

They're caused by toxins and pollutants in our food, water, and air, cigarette smoke, chemicals in processed foods, and sun radiation.

If you’ve heard about hydrogen water and how good it is for you, this is why. It’s what neutralizes these. And it’s quite helpful.

But understanding what they are, what they do in our body, and what we can do about them is essential for optimum health and longevity.

Let's dive in.


Free radicals are unstable molecules in the body. They’re missing an electron and so, to balance themselves, steal an electron from another molecule.

The problem is, they’re usually stealing from a molecule that’s already part of a cell, or hormone, or even our DNA.

Hydroxyl radicals are the same, only more destructive, and for several reasons:

First, they’re the most reactive of all free radicals, reacting against our cells. This leads to immediate and extensive damage to crucial cellular components, including DNA, proteins, and fats.

But, unlike other free radicals that target specific molecules, hydroxyl radicals attack virtually any organic molecule they encounter, leading to widespread cellular damage, aplifying their destructive potential.

And, while many free radicals are produced in the body under controlled conditions, and are managed by antioxidant enzymes, hydroxyl radicals are not. So they’re not easily neutralized by the body's natural defenses, allowing them to cause significant damage before any protective mechanisms can intervene.

They can also start chain reactions, especially in the membrane of our cells, which can lead to cell death. When they attack a molecule in a cell membrane, they create another free radical, which reacts with another molecule and another and another, continuing the cycle and causing extensive damage

And they react with our DNA, causing breaks in the DNA strands which say how to create new proteins or replicate new cells. This can lead to mutations in the cells.

And they can also modify proteins, leading to changes in their structure and function. This can disrupt enzymes and hormones, and impair communication within the cells and our nervous system.

Over time, this can result in tissue damage, contribute to inflammatory responses and raised immune function, raise stress levels throughout the body, thus raising cortisol levels, and accelerate the aging process.


Different free radicals are neutralized by different types of antioxidants. And for hydroxy radicals, it’s hydrogen.

The best and easiest way to get this, and the most potent form, is through molecular hydrogen in hydrogen infused water.

Molecular Hydrogen specifically targets hydroxyl radicals and neutralizes them, converting them to water.

This helps to lower oxidative stress throughout the body, calm the nervous system which is wound up by the destruction they cause, and allow the body to properly recover and reverse this damage.

If we take this daily we can help protect our DNA, proteins, cells, and hormones from this damage, improving overall health and longevity.

And our H2 Infuse Tablets are the most potent producers of molecular hydrogen available, much stronger than that made in a hydrogen water bottle.

Taking one per day can significantly reduce the damage these radicals cause and, along with Reds, Multi Complete, and Relief, we can address the full spectrum of free radicals, lowering overall stress levels and improving recovery.

Some people have even taken 3 H2 Infuse tablets per day for a month and seen significant results in their energy levels, stress levels, sleep, focus, and their recovery from workouts.

Try it and see.

And make sure to join our PerfectAmino VIP Group if you haven't already, where you can ask all of your questions and we can help you with anything you need.

We'll see you there!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.