How Perfect Amino Has A Near Zero Caloric Impact

February 16, 2025 6 min read

How Perfect Amino Has A Near Zero Caloric Impact

If you're reading this, you likely take PerfectAmino and know its benefits.

But here I want to cover very specifically how it has a near zero caloric impact on our body, because this is important.

The Missing Piece In Calorie Counting

The idea that we receive 4 calories for every gram of protein we consume is a misconception.

A calorie is not a physical thing. It's a measurement of energy production: Very exactly, a calorie is how much energy is produced when a gram of carbohydrate, protein or fat is broken down and burned as fuel to create energy.

(Of course, this first has to assume that the gram of protein or carbohydrates wasbroken down and converted to energy.)

When we consume carbohydrates, the majority of them are broken down and used to produce energy now. Or, they're used to make glycogen or body fat — stores of energy for the future.

So we have break down of the carbohydrate and the burning of it to make energy — calories. Or, we have it being stored as future energy — .

How many calories? About 4 per gram of carbohydrates.

But this isn't the case with proteins or even fats. A significant portion of the fats we consume are used to make new cells or hormones. As in, they are not broken down and used for their energy, but become part of the structure of a cell or hormone.

So, in this case, if calories measure the energy output when the fat is broken down, but here the fat is not broken down, we actually get no calories.

And then some of the fat is actually burned as fuel or stored as future fuel, so this would be calories.

But do you see the difference here? Something can potentially be burned to create energy. And, if it is, then we have calories. But, if it isn't — then we don't.

But it gets even deeper when we get to proteins.

First, obviously not all of the protein you consume is used as fuel. Some is used to build or repair muscle, cells, hormones, bone, skin, etc. You wouldn't take it if it wasn't.

But in this case, where protein goes to make new muscle or bone or skin, there is no energy production, hence, no calories.

This is the difference between potential calories and effective calories. The full content of the food we eat may have the potential of being used as energy (calories), but that doesn't mean it is or will be.

And if it isn't, then we get no effective calories.

So, if a gram of carbohydrate, protein, or fat was fully used for energy production we would get 4 calories, 4 calories, or 9 calories, respectively. If they were fully used for energy production.

Back to Proteins.

So we see that less than 4 calories of energy are actually produced from any gram of protein we consume, because much of this is going to our bodily structure, not being burned as fuel.

But here it goes deeper, and this is where the magic of PerfectAmino comes in.

You see, we actually get a different amount of usable protein for bodily structure, and a different amount of energy produced (calories), depending on which protein source we consume: eggs, soy, meat, fish, whey, pea, collagen, etc.

This is because... our bodies don't actually use the proteins we eat as protein.

Different Protein Sources Provide Different Amounts of Useable Protein & Calories

When we work out and take 20 or 30 grams of whey or pea protein, or collagen powder, we think our bodies are getting 20-30 grams of protein or collagen.

But that's not true.

Protein and collagen aren't used by our bodies in the forms they arrive in. Instead, they're broken down into their building blocks — the amino acids.

Amino acids are what our body actually needs, and are the only things of value in protein from our body's point of view.

Now, there are two different kinds of amino acids: Essential amino acids, which our body cannot make on its own and so must get from outside sources (proteins), and non-essential amino acids, which the body can make on its own... if it has all of the essential amino acids.

So our body breaks down proteins and sifts through the amino acids that make them up, looking for essential amino acids.

If all essential amino acids are present, our body can make any non-essential amino acids it needs and can make new protein and collagen from them.

But, if even one essential amino acid is missing, no protein or collagen can be made and nearly all amino acids go to waste.

So we need them all.

Even more, these essential amino acids need to be present in an exact ratio: some of this one, more of that, less of this, a lot of that one, etc.

If there are extra essential or non-essential amino acids above this ratio, they also can't be used.

And this is where calories form protein come into play.

These extra amino acids aren't stored by our body for future use like fats and sugars are. Our body doesn't have a way to do this.

They exist in the blood stream for about 2-3 hours before they finally pass through the liver and are converted to sugar, body fat, or are burned as fuel directly — These are the calories in any protein — amino acids that couldn't be used.

And that's where the problem comes in: because every protein and collagen source contains a different amount of essential and non-essential amino acids.

So, when we consume these, we get different amounts of amino acids that can be used to make new protein and collagen... and different amounts of excess amino acids that can't be used and which are converted to sugar or body fat — calories.

48% of the essential amino acids in whole eggs are in the correct ratio to synthesize new protein and collagen. That's the amino acid utilization rateof whole eggs: 48%.

The other 52% are converted to sugar, body fat, or burned directly.

Egg whites only have enough essential amino acids to be 16% utilized, with 84% being converted to sugar or body fat.

The utilization rate for meats is 32%.

For collagen powders it's about 10% (they add extra EAAs or it would be zero).

Whey is 18% utilized and pea is 16% utilized.

And BCAAs, as they are only three of the essential amino acids, are not used to make new protein at all. They can't be, they need the other essential amino acids.

So they're almost completely converted to sugar or body fat. That's the energy rush we get when we take them — sugar.

We might as well just eat sugar instead, it would be easier on our liver which is the organ that converts unused amino acids to sugar and body fat.

PerfectAmino is different. It is pure essential amino acids in the exact ratio needed to synthesize new protein and collagen in the forms that the human body needs.

And nothing else.

So it's up to 99% utilized, providing almost no caloric impact.

Perfect Amino Synthesizes Protein Without The Caloric Impact

In comparing whey to PerfectAmino this means we get the same amount of protein synthesis from 5g of PA as we would get from about 30g of whey... but with almost no caloric impact.

So we build lean muscle without the excess body fat caused by extra calories.

We don't break a fast.

And we can even prevent muscle loss during a cut or fasted workout, still losing excess body fat, but keeping, or gaining more, lean muscle.

PerfectAmino is the only supplement that does this.

Many people even find they start to lose weight just switching out whey or collagen for PerfectAmino. And they recover faster after workouts, build muscle faster, have higher energy levels, better skin, thicker hair, stronger bones, better moods, and much more.

Take 2 servings of PA before your next workout and another serving a few hours before bed for two weeks and see.

There is nothing else like it.

And make sure to join our PerfectAmino VIP Group if you haven't already, where you can ask all of your questions and we can help you with anything you need.

We'll see you there!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.