Achieve Your Weight-Loss Goals

November 05, 2021 3 min read

Athletic woman stretching before a run in the woods.

For most people, extreme and restrictive diets are not an effective method for weight loss in the long run, as we have a tendency to return to old behaviors.

The key to achieving your long-term goals of weight loss and weight maintenance is through implementing key changes in your life, including healthier eating habits and a regular exercise routine.

Adding a weight-loss supplement to your diet regimen can also help you to achieve your goals, contributing to a reduced appetite, improved metabolism, and better elimination of toxins.

Here are some tips to get you started.

Decrease Calorie Intake with Healthy Meal Options

The best weight-loss plans begin with a healthy, balanced diet. Experts generally agree that your diet has more to do with weight loss than the amount you exercise, suggesting that the most effective weight loss is attributed to a combination of approximately 75% diet and 25% exercise. [1]

Opt. for healthy, natural meal options whenever possible. A diet high in lean protein and fiber will give you the energy you need to fuel your physical activity, while still promoting weight loss. "One ingredient" foods like nuts, seeds, beans, fish, meats, and vegetables are great staples in a healthy, balanced diet. [2]

Build Muscle to Accelerate Calorie Burn

In order to lose weight, the idea is to burn more calories than you consume. While dramatic weight loss is most often attributed to healthier eating and reduced calorie intake, studies show that one of the best ways to maintain your weight once you reach your goal is to be engaged in regular physical activity. [3]

When devising an exercise routine, many people rely too much on cardio thinking this is what will help them burn more calories. However, many fitness experts have found that building muscle is more effective than cardio for burning fat. This is because the majority of the calories you burn in a day are due to your resting metabolic rate (RMR), and building more lean body mass through weight training contributes to an increased RMR – much more than cardio. One fitness expert estimated that you can expect to burn an extra 120 calories per day for every three pounds of muscle you build—and that’s calorie burn without incorporating any exercise! [4,5]

Consider Weight Loss and Weight Maintenance Supplements for Assistance

While weight-loss supplements are not recommended as a solitary method for weight loss, they can aid in your overall weight-reduction plan. BodyHealth’s Optimum Weight Management Formula helps support weight loss when combined with a low-calorie diet. This special formula assists the body’s endocrine network, helping to accelerate fat burning and increase energy levels—all while preserving lean body mass.*

Once you have shed the pounds, you can try a weight-management supplement to aid in your long-term fitness plan. BodyHealth’s Healthy-Thin supplement helps to reduce appetite and curb cravings, improve metabolism, offers unique blood sugar support, decreases carb absorption, and helps rid the body of toxins released from fat burning, giving you that extra helping hand you need to maintain your body goals.*


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.