Superfoods, Vitamins, and Minerals: More Important Than Ever

by BodyHealth Representatives September 21, 2017 3 min read

Surfer diving under the water with his board looking for the right wave.

According to the CDC, only 27% of  Americans consume more than 3 servings of vegetables per day. 3 servings are the recommended minimum required for reasonable health. It’s a pretty alarming commentary on the state of the average American diet.

We are eating way too much fat, way too much sugar, and way too many carbs. 

It becomes even more alarming when you look at the actual nutritional value of vegetables themselves. Intensive, chemically-based industrial farming has been slowly depleting our soils of essential minerals for decades, each crop less nutritious than the one that came before.

According to this article in Scientific American, in the last 40 years, the nutritional content of iron alone has fallen over 37%. One study from the University of Colorado estimates that overall nutritional value has dropped 40-60% in the last 100 years.

Minerals are critical for enzymes, hormone production, and thousands of other biological processes that keep us healthy.

But it’s not just that we need the minerals from the plants.

The plants themselves need the minerals to make vitamins and other important phytonutrients. And these phytonutrients are not something we can easily create in a lab and packaged into a pill.

Things like L-theonine in green tea or theobromine from cacao.

Our only source is healthy plants.


Your 5-Step Game Plan For Total Nutrition

So can we do to fortify ourselves against this loss in nutritional value?

  • Buy Organic: Avoid fruits and vegetables produced with destructive farming practices. The soil in these farms is severely compromised and their products are definitively less nutritious in addition to containing toxic residues from pesticides.
  • Buy Local: Buy as much of your produce as possible from local farmers. Many fruits and vegetables, even organic ones, that have to be shipped long distances are picked well before they are ripe. They are immature and contain less nutrition than fully ripened ones.
  • Eat Superfoods:Superfoods are a generalized class of food that are extremely dense in vital nutrients. Moringa, for example, is a so-called “miracle” plant from India because it has loads of B-vitamins, antioxidants, flavonoids, carotenoids, quercetin, vitamin c, and phenolic acids. Wheatgrass and alfalfa are two other extremely potent superfoods you should consider. There are dozens of superfoods out there, and the more you can work them into your diet, the more you can rebalance the loss of nutrition in our commercially available fruits and vegetables. 
  • Use Himalayan or Sea Salt: Trace minerals are minerals we need in very, very small doses. Things like chromium and selenium and molybdenum. Since we’re not getting them as reliably from our fruits and vegetables as we once did, it is critical we find other sources. Many of these can actually be found in sea salt, and especially in pink Himalayan salt. Iodized salt, on the other hand, has been stripped of everything except sodium and chlorine.
  • Supplements: The most convenient and cost-effective way to ensure you get the vitamins and minerals you need are supplements, but you need to be careful here because not all supplements are equal. Many of nutrients from plants are complexed with other compounds that facilitate their absorption and magnify their potency. A purely synthetic vitamin C supplement, for example, often will pass right through your system with little to no benefit to your health. The best supplements come from natural sources.


Our All-In-One Solution

Many people have nutritional deficiencies they don’t even know about. Sometimes it’s magnesium. Sometimes it’s an amino acid like tryptophan. 

So, instead of addressing each problem individually with a dozen different supplements, we designed a fully loaded meal replacement to help you address your complete health: PerfectAmino PowerMeal

It is loaded with organic superfoods, bioavailable vitamins and minerals, trace minerals from pink Himalayan salt, spirulina, green tea, and even saw palmetto berry extract for hormonal balance.

This is added to a powerful base of our PerfectAmino formula, MCT Oil, and an incredible nutritional innovation in energy called Carb10.

Our mission is to provide you with information and tools to optimize your health and performance and we believe this may be the most potent one we’ve ever created.

You can learn more by reading the product data HERE.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.